Strange Behavior

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Jason's pov ~a few weeks later~

I was sitting on the couch and looked up to see Sky walking down the stairs. "Good morning sleeping beauty." I said to him. He just waved and walked into the kitchen and began making coffee. I sighed and looked back at the TV sadly. He's been acting different lately. He's been in the room most of the time, not letting me in. I sometimes hear him talking to himself. It's scaring me to be honest. I'm worried about him. Then I watched him walk back upstairs to the room. I sighed and then got up, walking out the door. I just need time to think.

Sky's pov

I sat in the room sipping at my coffee. I then heard the door slam shut. I winced at that. He's probably mad at me. I thought. I sighed and layed down. I didn't want to tell him that I wasn't eating. I can't do it. Tears began to fall down my cheeks. Soon enough I was sobbing loudly. Then I heard the bedroom door unlock. I didn't bother to look up. I just kept sobbing. Then I froze. I felt a warm embrace engulf me. I looked behind me and saw Jason. I then buried me head into his chest. "What's wrong love?" He said but I just shook my head. "Please tell me. I'm worried about you." He said caressing my hair.

"B-but... I-i....." I didn't continue.

"You can tell me, I won't get mad, I just want to help you." He said holding me close.

"I... I haven't been e-eating." I said, the tears flowing much heavier now.

"It's ok, I'm not mad. But you have to eat. You'll get sick..." He said, sorrow in his voice.

"I'll try...." I said. He then picked me up bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He took me downstairs and set me down on the couch. I watched as he walked into the kitchen grabbing a plate of toast and setting it in front of me. I just stared at it. He sighed then picked up a piece holding it in front of my mouth. I hesitated then took a bite. I smiled and took another, and another, and another. Before I knew it the toast was gone. Jason was smiling and so was I. He hugged me tightly.

"See, you were hungry." He said and I nodded. Just then I heard the door burst open. The person rushed into the room we were in, heavily breathing.

"Seto?" I questioned. Seto stood at the doorway, panting. Once he regained his breathe he said something that would change everything.

"They found something at the lab Jason was held at. They're coming for him right now." Seto said. He must have been keeping surveillance on them with a spell. Jason had a sudden death grip on my arm. I hugged him tightly, then looked over at Seto.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"Run, flee, anything that can get you away from here as soon and as fast as possible. You guys will have to go off the grid. So I suggest living with Mitch and Jerome in the forest. They won't find you for a while if you go there." Seto explained. I nodded and got up, helping Jason up. We packed our things and anything else we would need. Jason let out a small whimper.

"What's wrong love?" I asked him, kissing the top of his head gently.

"I-i'm scared..." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. My heart sank. I then hugged him tightly and securely.

"No matter what I'm here for you. I promise." I said, kissing his cheek. He smiled a bit and nodded. We walked back to the living room. Seto was standing by one of the windows, peeking out of the curtains.

"Go," He said, "I'll fend them off for as long as I can." He claimed without any hesitation.

"But Seto, what abou-" He stopped me before I could finish my sentence.

"Brice very well knows the promise I made to you guys after Jason disappears Adam." He said, his voice having a small tint of sadness. The promise he made to us...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2017 ⏰

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