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fighting a minor headache, a pressing bladder and a paper cut wound, i manage to mumble, "please just listen, i-"

"no more excuses!" she spat at me. "i've had enough. it's time we called it quits."

even when she's yelling at me she is...

still hot.

"are you even listening to me?!" she barks. "fine, okay. you're obviously too intoxicated again. goodbye, shayne."

the muffled sounds of the bar flood my ears as i watch her legs carry herself out of the door.

there she goes.

and there goes my ride.


i'm dumb.

with what is left of my sanity i fish my phone out of my pockets and quickly unlock it.

who would be awake this time? i glance at the time, 03:04am.

my mind hovers around noah. cute guy, probably making out with his girlfriend in bed.

i begin texting, 'hey bae'

turning the brightness up i am suddenly pushed forward and the screen turns too bright.

"GAH!" i mutter by instinct as i fling my phone forward. i break my fall with my arms but hit myself against a chair.

"sorry, dude." i hear.

i shift my head to where i was before. what knocked me down? oh, it was that guy and that girl. i mentally curse at them.

now where's my damn phone? i remember, it's the really bright thing across the floor. scrambling across, i snatch my phone and sit cross-legged on the floor.

what was i doing? oh.

i have to text noah. he's a good friend.

attempting to lower the brightness i open three more apps before i drag the meter down. screw you, phone!

this headache sucks. my eyelids can't move past half my eyeball. i don't make any sense anymore. i can't bear it!

my fingers began to move by themselves, 'help em i'm syuxk here'


'pick me uop pleease i'm desperate'


hello! and thank you for taking the time to read this story :D

let me begin by telling you:

1. i actually scrambled upon this idea from the many "texting" stories on wattpad. i never really found one that suited my likings so i've decided to write one of my own!

2. this is a story about shayne topp & damien haas from smosh [squad/games]! i absolutely LOVE smosh to death and quite frankly these two make a fantastic pair.

yes they are not romantically interested in each other. yes they are best friends.

i don't really "ship" them but, like i said above, i want to try writing one of these kinds of stories & i want to also try writing a gay story. this is totally new for me haha!

3. just thought i'd let you know that in the cover,,, that's my hand LOL. i randomly took a picture of my hand with the rainbow filter on instagram because why not and yeah.


press a like & drop a comment! feedback is always appreciated ❤️

+ check out my damien story: dream on! tysm love you all.)/&:$


💫instagram: smolsmosh (i make video edits!!)

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