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Here's the first part of my first book so excited! I will be posting a chapter once a week cause I'm strange that way and if I fail then I add 2 chapters deal. I can be consistent. 


It’s my birthday, I thought as I woke up. I immediately got out of my bed and not caring who saw me in my pajamas I ran out of my room and down the stairs to see my parents. Today I was twelve. Today I would get my first marks and truly become a member of my people the nephilim.

I found my dad in his office and ran to give him a hug. “Happy birthday bug,” He said as he held me tight. “Today will be an extraordinary day.”

“Ya it will. When do I get my marks again?”

“Tonight, after your birthday party you knew that.”

“Oh right.”

“You know I think your mom is making breakfast. I have to finish this report for the clave, why don’t you go see if your mom needs some help.”

“Fine but I want to know what the report is about.”

“Maybe I’ll tell you later. Right now there won’t be a report if you don’t go away.” He said it kindly even if his words weren’t generically nice. I smiled at my dad at turned to go to the kitchen.

My mom was making pancakes my favorite thing in the world for breakfast. “Happy birthday Lizzie,” my mom said as she saw me come in.

“Do you need me to help with anything?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Okay I’m going outside for a bit.”

“Not until you get dressed.” My mom said after a snort.

Maybe I won’t get to do everything I want to, oh well. I smiled at my mom and turned back to my room.

After changing, I went outside and stood on the deck. Alicante was beautiful especially when it was still early, half the city was shrouded in darkness the other touched by sunlight. I wished I could paint or draw somewhat well, but all I’m good at is music and writing. Normally I wouldn’t complain but when one sees the glass city shimmer, I could only wish I had the skills that Clary Herandale had.

Clary and Jace Herandale are my next door neighbors and they live fairly close considering how far apart people live here. I turned and saw my best staring at me. Jason Herandale was a year older than me and is handsome though maybe not my type. Jason’s blond hair shown in the early morning light, his blue eyes glittered. Okay maybe he might someday be my type but I was still more attracted to guys with brown hair and brown eyes also named Alex Goodyear. He smiled at me and rose up a sign. Happy birthday Liz was written on it in purple, my favorite color.

I smiled back at him; this guy was truly my best friend. "Thanks Jason." I yelled over the distance to him.  He nodded his head and I turned to go inside my house I had a lot of stuff to get ready for starting with breakfast.

                     * * * * * * * * *

I stood in front of the full length mirror in my room. My long brown hair had been cut to fall delicately midway to my shoulder blades; my natural curl was now obvious to see. My brown eyes stood out purposefully.

I wore a purple dress with spaghetti straps. The torso was covered in sequins and hung tightly to my body showing my hourglass figure. The skirt was flowing and longer in the back then the front which barely covered my knees. I was so nervous now. A shadow hunter's twelfth birthday was like a Hispanic’s Quinceañera or a Jewish boys coming of age party. This was a huge moment in life for the nephilim.

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