Dancing Skills?

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When Nomi Stapp entered the entertainment industry she didn't think that her life would be like this. In fact, Nomi never thought that she would have made it this far, although the entertainment industry wasn't nearly as glamorous as she would have hoped. 

Nomi sniffed her armpit. Nope definitely not glamorous. 

Nomi had been slaving away all day in the forsaken room of her nightmares. The practice room. Hardwood floors, white walls, florescent lights, and that unforgiving mirror. Seeing as she had practically lived in this room for the last few years, you would think that she would at least tolerate the room. You would be wrong.

After four hours of throwing her body through the carefully crafted choreography, she was losing her mind. One could only listen to the same song so many times before one went crazy. And Nomi had officially went crazy.  

Seeing as her choreographer had left two hours ago, deeming Nomi's dancing perfected, she had been going above and beyond what was expected of her. Nomi needed a break, and seeing as she was alone in an empty dance room, she changed the song to something that she didn't need to know the words or choreography to.

"Nomi, what are you doing?" Tanisha, Nomi's older, tanner manager spoke from the doorway of the practice room, as she looked towards her young charge, whom she may have succeeded in scaring the living daylights out of. Of course Nomi wouldn't be practicing her choreography when Tanisha came in. Nope. Why would she ever do as she was told and stay on task? It wasn't like this was her job or anything.

Nomi spun around, still doing the dance steps that she was continuing to make up as she went along, "Tanisha, honestly, you went to University, I thought you had brains? And for your information I am currently dancing." Nomi shot Tanisha a mock glare, as Tanisha moved over to the sofa and to take a seat, "Honestly, people these days. They just don't know what dancing is."

"Dancing? That is not dancing, you look like you've got something in your pants" She grinned at Nomi from the sofa. She really did, Nomi had absolutely no rhythm or any dancing skills at all. That was why Tanisha had to have her scheduled for four to eight hours in the studio, everyday.

The choreo that Nomi was meant to be working on, was a choreo that she had been practicing for months, and she had really only perfected it a short while ago.

"I'll have you know this is the way every nineteen-year-old dances. You should try it, it's actually rather difficult." Nomi shot back at her. The two of the bickered like sisters would. That's what they were, sorta kinda. Tanisha and her had been working together ever since Nomi had decided to make the switch from movie actress to pop singer, four years ago. Tanisha was only twenty when the two had begun to work together, and they had been inseparable ever since.

Tanisha rolled her eyes, "You know what you should try? Actually practising your choreography."

"But I've been doing that all day!" Nomi groaned, as her dancing came to a halt, and she spun towards her elder. She had been honest with that statement, as she had entered the practice so early that morning, that it could have also considered to be the night before. "I don't want to practice anymore, today."

"Fine, but when you crash and burn on stage, in front of thousands of people, don't blame me." And with that last bit, Tanisha reached into her bag and pulled out a magazine, putting an end to their conversation.


"I'm sexy and I know it!" Nomi had went against her better judgement, or maybe against Tanisha's better judgement, and continued to sing and dance along to the tracks on her playlist. Instead of practising her tour choreography.

"You couldn't be sexy if you tried." A rough voice sounded throughout the room interrupting her. Nomi stopped all of her fun at the sound of the familiar voice and rounded on the intruder. Nolan, Nomi's lanky older brother, stood at the doorway of the room, looking into it with a smirk lacing his lips.

"Shut it, Nolen. It's not like you can dance any better than I can." Nomi glared. It seemed today was knock Nomi's dancing skills day. Or maybe that was everyday? Who knows?

"Sure I can. I am one of your paid dancers, remember? I could do your choreography with my eyes closed, no problem." Nolan said, and looked at his sister as if she had downed some loony pills, "Sometimes, I do worry about you, Nom." He laughed as he finally walked into the room and out of the doorway.

"Very funny, make fun of your baby sister. It's not my fault you lucked out and got mom's dancing genes, while I'm stuck with dad's mystical two left feet." She pouted, with a look of feigning innocence upon her face. This just made him laugh harder and give her a look that clearly stated that she needed to shut up. "Whatever." Nomi grumbled, giving up her defence.

"Children." Tanisha called out from the sofa as she was putting her magazine back into her bag. "We need to leave now, Nomi. That is if you don't want to be late for the meeting with the act you are going to be touring with." Tanisha stood up and started towards the door, without looking to see if the girl was following behind her or not.

"Coming." Nomi sighed, quickly moving over to grab her purse and turning to follow Tanisha. She turned to look over her shoulder at where her brother and a few of her other dancers had entered the room and begun to warm up for their practice. "Don't leave! You're my ride home!"

"If I remember." Nolan said offhandedly, causing a few of the dancers to laugh at his carelessness. Nomi just rolled her eyes at him and walked out the door.

Nomi wandered down the hallway, as she tried to make her way out of the studio. Her eyes moved all around the hallway walls at the many signed portraits of a few of the famous people whom all used this studio: Cher, Beyonce, Justin Bieber, Michael Jackson, and many more. She neared the end of the hallway, and she felt a rush of pride when she saw her portrait hanging amongst the others. Nomi couldn't help to realise just how lucky that she was to be where she was.

"You know if I didn't know you so well I'd think you were incredibly self obsessed, the way you're staring at your portrait." Tanisha said, as Nomi had finally caught up with her. Tanisha seemed to have knocked Nomi out of her trance, and caused the younger girl to jump at the sound of Tanisha's voice.

"Sorry, just thinking a bit." She smiled over to her manager as she was regaining her bearings. Tanisha quickly smiled back at her before they began walking again towards the door.

It seemed that today was not just a busy day for them, but for almost every member of Nomi's team, as whilst the two neared the exit, the duo had grown with many of the crew members, markup artists, set designers, and wardrobe artists. They all were throwing questions at Nomi and Tanisha. It was slowing them down and beginning to get on Tanisha's nerves, as they were going to be late to the meeting as it was. They didn't need anyone else slowing them down.

By the time that they finally made it to the lobby of the studio, Tanisha's patience had worn out. She spun around to look at everyone in the small crowd that had formed around them. "We should be back from meeting Nomi's supporting act around three, once we are back each department will get up to an hour with me, so that I may make the final decisions." She said in a stern voice that just dared to ask them to protest, "Is that okay? Because we're going to be late, if we don't leave now."

After everyone nodded, Nomi let out an awkward laugh, "Well, that's just splendid. Let's go then, shall we?"

Tanisha and Nomi hurried out of the building and were ushered to the car by Nomi's bodyguard, Raymond. Paparazzi flashes went off left, right, and centre. Nomi plastered a grin on her face, as she ignored all of the questions that they fired at her.

When they finally reached the van, Nomi clambered into the back seat climbing over the armrest in the middle and lounged in the very back, Tanisha followed her in, and after Raymond got into the passenger seat, and everyone was buckled, they set out for the meeting.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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