hey there delihla

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Joe and Caspar live far apart and joe sings him to sleep.

Here there Delilah what's it like in New York City I'm a thousand miles away but girl tonigh you look so pretty yes you do

"Hello? Babe Can You hear me?" I asked, adjusting my head phones. "Jojo! I can hear you! I can't see you though" Caspar chuckled, his laugh sending shivers down my spine.
I clicked on some things, wanting to see my beautiful boyfriend again as soon as possible. I clicked on some kind of camera thingy and his face appeared. My face softened at this sight. "Hey Beautiful" i smiled. He blushed, the corners of his mouth curling up "hey Jojo" he almost whispered.

Time square can't shine as bright as you, I swear it's true
Hey there Delilah, don't you worry about the distance, I'm right there if you get lonely give this song another listen close your eyes

"How are you?" I asked, already feeling tears prickle in the corners of my eyes. He looked so perfect. His hair wasn't in place, it was just hanging loosely in his face, he wore my sweater, just like I was wearing his. And, I missed him. I did. I wanted him. I needed him. "I'm okay, I guess..." he mumbled, playing with the ends of his sleeves. "You look beautiful" I whispered. I was getting desperate. Desperate for him. Desperate for his touch. Desperate for his love.

Listen to my voice it's my disguise
I'm by your side
Ooh it's what you do to me
Ooh it's what you do to me

He blushed, his cheeks baby pink. I could see tears in his beautiful ocean blue eyes. His lips were quivering ever so lightly. "I um, I-I miss... fuck this is hard," he took a deep breath, his whole body rising as his eyes closed, "I miss you" he whispered.

Hey there Delilah I know times are getting hard but just believe me girl one day I'll pay the bills with this guitar we'll have it good
We'll have the life we knew we would
My word is good

"Ooh Caspy" he looked up, his now glazed, blue eyes locking with mine, "I miss you to. More than you can imagine, " I sad smiled. "I know, I just wish you were here, or I was there with you" I sighed. "But I will be there, I'm doing everything I can, but my job isn't paying that much. I'm working every day and night but moneys still low, so I don't know when I will come home, but i'll make it work" I felt tears twinkle down my cheeks, but I wiped them away quickly, I didn't want Caspar to see me cry. "I'm sorry" I chuckled and faked some kind of smile as I dried my eyes with my sleeves. He kept quiet. "Caspar?" I asked carefully.

Hey there Delilah I've got so much left to say if every simple song I wrote to you would take your breath away I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
We'd have it all

Caspar sobbed. My heart cracked. "Baby baby it's okay" I tried, shaking away the sobs that almost rolled out of my mouth. "Why does this have to happen to us? Why can't we just be happy...together" he sobbed. "We will be. It'll be okay. I know that. You know why casp?" He looked up, softly shaking his head. "Because I love you, and I will do anything to be with you, okay? I promise" he cried some more at my words. "I- joe I l- I lo-l" he struggled with his words "I love you joe"

A thousand miles seems pretty far but they've got planes and trains and cars I'd walk to you if I had no other way

"Casp, you look exhausted. Go to sleep love" joe whispered after a few minutes of nice words to calm his baby down. "No, I don't, I don't want to leave you" he said, scared that if he said goodbye now, it would be goodbye forever.
"Shall I stay on, make sure you sleep" Caspar nodded. I smiled. "Shall I sing you our song?" "Yes please, otherwise I can't sleep"

Our friends would all make fun of us but we'll just laugh along because we know that none of them have felt this way

Hey there Delilah was our song. I sang it to him every night, Caspar always said he could only sleep good if I had sang it to him. But since we're so far apart, I can't sing it for him and so caspar couldn't sleep as good.

Delilah I can promise you that by the time that we get through the world will never ever be the same
And you're to blame

Caspar went away and came back in his pajamas (Wally sweatpants and no top). He settled under the covers. His eyes still red and puffy. "Are you comfortable?" I asked quietly. "Yeah, I am" he yawned. "Will you stay on the phone till I sleep please" he asked, his eyes big and sad. "Of course I will"
"Shall I begin?"
He sniffled. "Yes please"

Hey there Delilah you be good and don't you miss me two more years and you'll be done with school and I'll be making history like I do
You know it's all because if you
We can do what ever we want to
Hey there Delilah here's to you
This ones for you

He closed his eyes as I began singing. His breath evend out. I kept singing. When the last verse came, he smiled in his sleep, like he always did. And so I smiled back, as I softly sang the last lines to him.

Ooh it's what you do to me
Ooh it's what you do to me
Ooh it's what you do to me
Ooh it's what you do to me
What you do to me

My brother has this girlfriend (who I love for real she is so nice and she loves all the same things as me) but their so cheesy and fucking perfect together aaaaah and now I'm writing this and their laying super cute besides me and I want someone i feel so lonely

(Hey y'all so I wrote this like 6 months ago, I hate my brothers girlfriend now. She's a fake bitch. Sorry)

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