Seducing My Husband

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When I was young, I promised myself that I would never marry for convenience.  Well, promises don’t last forever.  Let’s backtrack, my name I Carina Lopez, but everyone practically calls me Cari.

 I am 27 years old and if you have not heard yet, my family is one of the richest, well, ever.  Which is the main reason why I try to mak my life as normal as I possibly can.  It is not easy, I mean not everyone is followed by hundred of paparazzi everyday at any time, and not everyone’s life is not out in public for everyone to talk about.

  My childhood was complicated, my dad was never around and my mom was not either.  The only person around was my nanny, but she was only there after school and left when my parents arrived.  I have never been one of those girls who like to be the center of attention.  I have always dreamed of how my wedding was going to be.

 Big, beautiful decorated church with the bell striking at 12, like in Cinderella.  Cliché, I know, trust me.  My father owns a business know all around the world.  His dream was for me to follow in his footsteps, but I just don’t enjoy it and have no passion for it.  Since I was a child, I knew my dreams didn’t consist of having a business degree. 

My father tried convincing me, but it didn’t work out and he gave up.  And from that moment on I knew that my real dream, what I always wanted to do was be a baker.  I love that rush of getting new ideas and of experimenting and being able to combine different flavors together to make something beautiful and unique.

 I swore I wasn’t going to ask him for a single penny and now as hard and as challenging as it was, here I am.  With my bakery shop and my delicious cupcakes in display.  Years of success.  I wished life had stayed that way.  Now, here I am, wearing a white, my make-up and hair are done, I’m going to church and marrying someone who despises me. 

Don’t get me wrong, Lucas Savaneri was THE hottest man I’ve had the un-pleasure of meeting.  With his dark blonde hair, chiseled jaw, and his mesmerizing green eyes.  Oh, and his lips!  His lips kissing me, going down my throat and through my sweet spot and—Wait. 

“Why am I even thinking about this?”, I muttered.

  And on my wedding of all days.

 “As if he is ever going to kiss ME”, I muttered again. 

He is a selfish, arrogant bastard, who I know is marrying me just for a higher position in my fathers’ company.  Ugh!

“Why, dear god? Why, me?”.

 My father decided at that moment to stop by.

 “Are you ready princess?”, he asked.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be”, I said trying to stay cheerful.

Authors Note: 

Well I know you guys probably skip over all of the authors note, but if you are readng, then thank you so much for discovering my book.  This is my first tim writing in wattpad and im excited.  Theres a lot of potential over th writers in the books ive read, but whatever.

I really hope you guys enjoy this book :):):)

The song im uploading probably will go better for next chapter, but it starts now, so hoe you like it

If you guys notice any grammatical errors, dont be offended to oint them out.  I dont judge your free to do whatever you like as long as its not rude.  sarcastic is okay cuz im a very sarcastic person...anyways, YEP

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just enjoy and have a good night?early morning? lol, bye(for now)

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