Chapter 1:

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My dad doesn't ask me for much. I think the least I can do is marry the guy he chose for me (even though we are not in the 18th and 19th century anymore), even if he is an arrogant ass. I mean we are getting married today and if I remember correctly, don't weeding a include a honeymoon? So maybe I can ge------. Stop. Stop, stop, STOP! Not more thinking of Luc Savaneri. No more.

"Are you okay?" my dad asked, snapping me from my fairytales.

"I'm fine", I said.

I heard the music even before we got out of the car. They were playing the wedding march. I dreamed of this day. My dad walking my down the isle. Everything was just as I wanted my wedding to be. The only problem was, it wasn't with the guy I wanted to marry.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not even dating anyone right now, but I think this is the best offer I'm going to get now. My boyfriend of 5 years decided I wasn't "good enough" for him and he decided to get it on with his so-called best-friend.

May I add, that it's a guy? We'll, yeah, he left me for the other side. I started walking down the isle with my dad next to me. I could see him. No more like feel his eyes burning into me. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a white shirt to match my dress.

I don't even get why Luc is doing this. No, that's a lie. Anyways, I always thought that he preferred those fake blonde hair, skinny bimbos. Not that I have anything against them, but they're just so....fake. We finally got to the altar. I was seriously freaking out. I can't believe I was really going to marry him. Then it came, the moment the priest finally asked those, so very important words:

"Do you solemnly swear to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, 'till death do you part?".

There was nothing else I could say than, "I do", I nearly whispered.

When it was Luc's turn, I thought for a minute that he looked at me. I thought that if be was going to sa----, I was cut off by Luc.

"I do", he said.

Loud and clear. O-key, dokey.

"I declare you husband and wife".

Oh god. I looked at him for a second and suddenly he curled his fingers around my neck, pulled me in his embrace and kissed me. Not like a small peck on the mouth. Oh no. No this, this was ----- mind blowing, that's what it was.

I couldn't not touch him. So I touched him. I put my hands around his neck and kissed him back. I heard whistles and a few incoherent things, but I ignored it. I was lost in the moment.

Authors note:

Hey guys so I know I haven't updated for a while and for that I'm sorry, but I've been so busy with school. Freshman year is about to end and I am so happy about it. The rest of this week and there is no school on Monday and after that June 2-4 are finals. Wish me luck! But then again, summer will start and that means more updates!!! that's good, right? anyways hope you enjoy this chapter,

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Also, do you have any like actresses/actors in mind yet? Make sure to comment them.

Anyways, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

Love you guys and have a good night

"Something singing is better than crying"
-by: ME!!!

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