Hey um sorry for not updating sooner but I had MAJOR writers block for this chapter. I might be splitting this chapter into two parts. If I wanted to. Enjoy!
~Samantha's Pov~
All of my dreams are finally coming true. I unlocked my demon stage(with the help of Vin of course, him giving me some of his powers and all), Vin knows who I really am and not some kind of stalker or something, and we are going to destroy this dumb ass town once and for all.
The only thing that's in the way is my family. Its like they are the bodyguards for this damnable town or something. Don't get me wrong but, ever since my mom died from a car crash, my father has been nothing but a selfish, stuck-up basterd. He wants every thing to be perfect. My father owns a very successful business and now we have a lot of money, and I mean a lot like you put all of the richest people money together and that still won't be enough to pass us.
He kept on trying to force me to marry some arrogant fucktard who only want me for the money. And every time our mom's aniversery for her death, he goes out and drinks all night until he comes home and comes in me or my sisters room and starts to beats us, saying that its our fault that mom died.
Ever since I meet Keith(if you haven't figure it out yet he is my inner demon),I started to become more powerful and he told me how I became his jailer. He said that him and his mate(which now I know that her name is Kayla) were peacefully in their den when some demon hunters came and attacked them. they hypnotized Kayla to attack the nearby town. They tried to get him too but he ran away. That's all he told me. I tried to asked him if he had any more information about him and his mate but he wouldn't answer me, so I left that leaf unturned, for now.
I don't know how he didn't even got caught doing that. That fucking ass belongs dead. Although he beats Akira( my sister), he treats her like a fucking princess and I'm treated like some damn roach or some shit. I mean, who in their right mind would treat their eldest daughter like crap and not the youngest.*sigh* I just hope that we get this thing over and done with.
We decided to travel in the shadows, trying not to catch any attention. Not now anyways, for there will be blood, just not now. As of now, no one knows about what happened in the academy so we're home free. We are in Vin's apartment now planning on the destruction of the town and, I'm surprised. His room may be small, but its cleaner than my house. And I thought I saw the floor sparkle like a star.
I'm stopping here for now. It was 3:48 when I thought of this so I'm tired and might sleep my day away if its not too hot. Bye kittens, good night, morning, or afternoon wherever you are.

Vin's poem
ParanormalThe class waited, wanting to hear Vin's poem, which would most likely be an epic failure. However, when his lips opened, this was not what they were expecting. First story