Aryana, gets bullied in school alot by these girls named christine and julia , and shes going through depression cause she has to move to a new place, where she dosnt know anyone, and then she meets jacob and her life brightness up until one day whe...
It started to get early so I went to sleep at 2 am just being disgusted by my actions,but also jacobs. I woke up at 9:30 although school started at 8am I started to panic but I needed the slack cause I've been through shit yesterday,plus I slept at 2 not that it was anyone's fault. So I rushed and put this outfit on...
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Wasnt the best outfit but I thought it was cute. I got to school at 10 am ,and when I got to Mr buckets class everyone just stared then suddenly Julia said "hey bummy" Oh I couldn't take it so I balled my hand into a fist and was ready to jump over her desk and fight her,But then jacob yelled "stfu Julia calm your shit!" She looked embarrassed and said "are you ok honey bun" I just snickered cause wtf 'honey bun'😂 but I felt bad and I was confused cause wasn't Julia jacobs 'love' and 'girlfriend' Maybe all that stuff I told him yesterday finally got to him. So she got up and said "THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT ISN'T IT ?" and she jumped on me getting ready to fight so I went in . I wasn't gonna let anyone win the battle expecially not Julia. Finally jacob got out of his seat and tried to separate us ,everyone just stared saying 'oooo and aaaa' like it was a fucking show no I was dead almost about to kill this girl. She then slapped jacob and it left a mark I had feelings so it hurt me to see jacob get hurt so I put all the pain the both of them caused me and punched her in the nose and made her bleed and slapped jacob on the other cheek so he would feel all the pain he put me through all the sorrow he gave me. Cause I! Thought I was the one for him...ik I Tell you guys this alot only cause I want you to feel what I'm feeling the pain he put me through, not that you guys have done anything but because I want you to know what a bitch he's been to me . Mr buckets then called the principle through the class phone and told him he'd be expecting the 3 of us. We went to the principles office. Here's the conversation between the 4 of us. Convo~ Principle. D~ so what's going on with you guys keep it up I'llhave to call your parents in. Jacob~ it's not my- Aryana~ it's not my - Principle. D~ be quiet the both of you its all 3 of your faults, Julia why aren't you talking? The guilty don't talk what's on your mind?😑 Julia ~ i- didn't - do -an-y-th-ing . She muttered. Principle. D~ cut the crap, what's going on Julia ~ ok fine,I did fight aryana, only cause she fought me cause she was jelous I was dating jacob :/ Jacob ~ really you did that for me? I just sat there blushing, jacob already knew I liked him ,but he thought I fought Julia cause I was some crazy physco bitch he'd been friends with, I didn't know what to say .