[ t h i r t y - o n e ]

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session three; 

"will you talk to me today?"

the therapist's gentle voice breaks his reverie. what is her name again? she tells him each time he sees her, but he just cannot bother to remember.

"rael, taehyung. my name is yoo rael."

she's smiling softly. what is she so happy about? the weather? more money, now that another madman was sitting in front of her, sipping at a juice he does not even like?

"why did you come to me if you are not willing to help yourself?"

he stares at her numbly. he does not quite understand it himself.

rael is used to this. the ones with clipped wings who come to her to learn how to fly again.

she shifts gears.

"what color is your voice?"

the unnatural nature of the question interests him slightly. maybe he might talk to her today. maybe he won't waste his half hour.

"my voice?" he asks, his parched throat screaming.

"yes." she is still smiling. does't her face hurt? he wonders if this is how he used to smile; unwavering, irritating.

wrist // taehyung    • book three in the BTS series •Where stories live. Discover now