Chapter 1

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 Kyungsoos POV:

"Kyungsoo!" Baekhyun yells from the dance floor as he makes his way over to me.
"Ya?!" I yell back over the loud noises and music.
"You my friend need to get laid!"
I death glare him and smack him across the head as he takes a seat next to me.
"Would you give it a fuckin rest?I'm not doing it"
I turn back to the bartender and signal him for another drink.
"Kyungsoo you should at least try it! When was the last time you had a good fuck?"
Picking up the shot glass I down my drink at once and glare at him.
"Baekhyun I don't want to do it."
I don't want to and I can't. I have way to much on my mind and I can't fuck around. I only came to the club because Baekhyun begged me but it's just not me. Dancing and getting drunk at clubs then fucking a stranger was Baekhyuns thing, not mine.
"Why?! There's no commitment involved, just a one night stand."
"A one night stand?"
"Ya, you know, you fuck em then never see each other again. It's exactly what you need."
"I don't know Baekhyun, I'm not in the mood."
A one night stand? I don't know... It seems wrong. My sister had a one night stand with a stranger and ended up getting to connected with him but he left her anyways. I don't want to risk making the same mistake.
"Listen I appreciate that your trying to help me but I just can't do it. You already know what happened with my sister and I don't want to follow in her steps."
"Then just don't get connected. Simple." He said like it was the simplest thing on earth, but it's not.
"But what if I do?"
"Hmmm..." He dramatically hummed and looked up at the ceiling then back at me, "Just don't."
I look at him in annoyance ready to slap him again, "Baekhyun-"
"Kyungsoo just do it. You'll be fine I promise. Your stressing out to much over a one night stand. Normal people just do it then forget about in the morning so you should do it to. It'll help with your stress and then you can forget about in the morning, no big deal."
That's true. I've been in a lot of stress due to work and not to mention my sisters tragic one-sided break up. She's been crying for 2 weeks now and she just won't get over that asshole so I have to take extra care of her to make sure she doesn't pull any stupid stunt.
"I guess that sounds alright, but where do I find someone to do it with? It's not like people are lined up for a one night stand."
He stares at me like I just said the lamest joke ever.
"Your in a club at the middle of the night full with hot horny guys surrounding you and your asking me where to find someone to have a one night stand with? And yes, yes they are lined up, wake the fuck up and look around you."
I mentally slap myself for asking a stupid question then turn and look around the dance floor for anyone that interests me. I see a few guys and girls looking back at me but none of them interest me. I see nothing but a crowd of random strangers dancing and jumping to the music. Some of them look nice but nothing to fit my taste.
Baekhyun taps me on the shoulder making me turn back around.
"Look over there." He says and points his eyes to something behind me. I turn to look at what he's signaling at but be grabs my shoulders and restrains me.
"What happened?"
"There's a hot guy sitting a few seats behind you and- oh my God he just looked back at you!" He whisper-screams.
"At me? Are you sure it wasn't some one els?" I try turning around again but he stops me.
"You said 'look over there' so why aren't you letting me look?"
"Shhh! It'll be to obvious."
I role my eyes and say, "Fine tell me what he looks like."
"He's wearing a black leather jacket, black genes, brown hair. And a piercing in his ear...he's sooooo my style."
"Can I see?"
"Don't turn around, you have to be subtle. Here, just copy what I do." He fixes his posture and props his head lazily on his hand. His head shifts side to side as he plays with his drink. He bites his lip as he dips his finger in the liquor then sucks on his finger seductively before cascading his eyes to me and winking.
So he wants me to do that? No.
"Baekhyun I'm not doing that."
His body language changes back and he stares at me with distaste.
"Your no fun...fine, try this."
"Wait no," I stop him before he starts doing anything else that'll make me want to throw up.
"How about I just go over and talk to him?"
"And say what? 'Hey I'm looking for s one night stand?' Or are you going to small talk with him first? Like eww. You can't go to him Kyungsoo, you have to make him come to you. Use your eyes to communicate and seduce him with gestures."
"But I don't know h-" Before I can finish my sentence I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn my head to see the guy that had previously been sitting behind me now standing in front of us.
His presence is slightly, no, very intimidating and it makes it harder for me to breath. He smirks down at me then eyes me head to toe, slowly, making me feel uncomfortable and insecure.
"Hey," he smiles and spares Baekhyun a glance then focuses on me.
"I saw you from a few seats away and I was wondering is you w-"
"Yes!" Baekhyun interrupts, "Yes he'd love to have sex with you! You can take him!" Oh my god, Baekhyun is so embarrassing...
I glare at Baekhyun with wide eyes before turning to the hot guy and waving my hands in denial and shake my head.
"T-That's not what he meant, I'm so sorry for my friends outburst." I look around trying to find something to say, "I-I um,um....,h-hi."
Once again I mentally slap myself for acting so lame and look away.
He chuckles and leans in to whisper in my ear, "It's ok, He only read my mind." His hot breath sends shivers starting from the back of my ear down to my pants.
"So can I take you?"
I blush and was about to agree but Baekhyun beat me to it.
"Yes you can take him!" He pushes me off the seat making me fall into the strangers arms.
"Have fun! Oh, and don't forget to use condoms! If he gets pregnant I WILL FIND YOU!" Oh my fuck why is he so embarrassing?!
The stranger smiles back at Baekhyun then takes my hand and pulls me out the club and into his car as I try to hide my embarrassment.
As I get into his car I get this weird feeling. I'm getting into a random strangers car with out knowing anything about him. For all I know he can be a killer or a kidnaper or something.
I look to my side to examine him, he doesn't seem like a killer or kidnaper...
"Where are we going?" I ask as he starts the driving.
"My house. Unless you want to go somewhere els."
"Oh no, wherever's fine." I smile back. Then I realize what I just said...
"Oh that's not what I meant I was just saying what it doesn't matter where we do it."
His lips curve up into a smile and I can tell he thinks this is funny.
"W-What I mean is you don't have to worry about me, we can go anywhere as long as there's a bed." Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck...
He chuckles but focuses his eyes on driving.
"What I mean is that no matter where you take me I can, I can-n-never mind..."
My voice reduces to a whisper as he chuckles louder. I'll just stop trying to fix this.
We reach his house in about 15 minutes, and let me say they were the longest 15 minutes in my life.
He gets out of the car and opens the door for me like a gentleman.
"Common." He smiles at me then holds my hand and takes me inside his house.
As soon as he closes the door he grabs me and pins me to the wall. I gasp at the sudden action and blink rapidly trying to catch the situation. He was being so nice and gentle before that I momentarily forget that we were driving somewhere so we can have sex, but he doesn't fail to remind me.
"Your cute," he smirks down at me and unzips my jacket. His eyes grow dark as the sound of the zipper comes to an end. He rips the jacket off me and smashes our lips together in a hungry kiss. I try to kiss back but he takes control of the kiss and I just stand there as he molds his lips onto mine.
His hands slide down my sides then my back down to my ass. He grabs my ass and lifts me off the floor. I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me down the hall and up the stairs.
As soon as we enter the bedroom he throws me onto the bed and locks the door. He strips himself of everything but his boxers and makes his way over to me.
I can't believe this is happening. It's my first time doing it with a stranger but I'd never would have thought that it feels this good. It's exiting and all of a sudden I feel bolder then ever.
He creeps closer then runs his fingers through my hair and grabs a hand full and yanks it downwards giving him full access to my neck. He kisses and sucks on my neck as his unoccupied hand shoves my pants off along with my boxers. As soon as my shirt comes off his heavenly lips attack my nipple and he pinched and squeezes the other one.
I don't know how but this feels so right. He sucks on my nipples just the way I like it making me moan for more as my eyes fall close.
"Fuck...ummmhhhh...I-I need you." Ok I have no idea where that came from , it's like lust has taken control of my body and my words.
"I'll give it to you baby."
The next time I open my eyes his boxers are off and his fingers are coated with lube.
Before I can get a word out my mouth he spreads open my legs and finds my hole with his lubed fingers and presses against it.
He leans down and we meet half way in a slow kiss. More moans leave my lips as his finger slides in and out of me and he only picks up pace as I moan louder and louder. He adds another finger and brushes against my sweet spot earning the loudest moan from me yet.
"Please, I need it in me..."
"You look so hot rite now, begging for me..." He takes out his fingers and immediately starts thrusting into me with his cock.
"Aaaaaa! Y-your to, uuuhhhhh, to!"
He completely disregards my cries and pounds into me like there's no tomorrow. I try to lift my head slightly to look at him fucking into me and damn, his cock is so big and I have no idea how it fit inside me. I watch as his thick cock slides In and out my entrance making slurping noises.
He thrusts deeper and finds my sweet spot again. As soon as I moan louder indicating that that he found it he angles him self just right and pounds right into that spot taking me to heaven.
"Uh uh uh uh.." I moan as his cock thrusts into me harder and the headboard hits the wall every thrust.
"Say my name..."
"I..uhhhh, I don't know your name..."
"It's Jongin,....mmmhhh, say it."
It's as if cold water splashes me in the face and lust becomes long forgotten. Jongin? Jongin?! He's the guy who dumped my sister...
"Fuck get off me!"
"What happened?"
"You dumped my sister!"
"What the, what?!"
"The one you dated 2 weeks ago you fuckin asshole!" I try to push Jongin off me but it did me no good. "Get off me! Rite now or I'll...I'll scream! Rape!"
"Well to late, I'm comming,"
"Don't come inside me. Jongin don't you dare... RAPE!"
He smirks as he covers my mouth with his hand and thrusts harder. With one last pound he comes deep inside me.
The second he comes I take the chance and push him off me and onto the bed. I try getting up to storm out but pain shoots through my but and the rest of my body, I lay there next to him trying to calm myself down.

When my sister finds out she's going to kill me...

I told you I'd update! And I did! I feel proud :) I know this chapter didn't really emphasis the plot but by the next chapter, which won't take another month, I will get into the story in more detail.
I really hope you liked it and please comment on what you thought of this chapter! Thanks for reading! 

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