Chapter 2: Joey's Thoughts

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AUTHORS NOTE :: Id like to apologize for not updating in forever. Leave me a comment if you like this story? Anyway, something happened where it said there was a second chapter but you couldnt read it. Ive decided to re upload it to see if that fixes the problem. New update soon <33


Meghan and Joey rushed out the door and hopped into Joey's car.


I pulled out my camera and turned it on.

"Guys look who I'm with" I told the camera.

I moved the camera on Joey.

"JOEYANYA!" I yelled again

"WELL HELLO THERE EVERYONE!" Joey yelled back.

I laughed. "We are on our way to go get some dinner and meet up with Cat."

"That's right" Joey chimed in.

"So, I guess I'll see you when we get there!"

I turned off the camera.


We soon arrived at O'Charley's and met up with Cat.

"Oh, I guess you caught a ride?" Cat said with a smile.

"Yep. And a boyfriend!" Meghan joked as she hooked elbows with Joey.

"Well I did almost see you naked!" Joey giggled.

Cat was confused but she laughed a long with Joey and Meghan anyway.

Still unsure, Cat gave Meghan a look and Meghan responded by quickly shaking her head no.

The food came, and Meghan vlogged her food before she ate it. Typical.

The three sat there and talked about new collab ideas, new editing software, videos games, and what not. And time flew by. Before they knew it, it was closing time.

Joey and Meghan hugged Cat bye as she got into her car.

Joey and Meghan walked over to Joey's car. He opened the door for Meghan as she sat down, and gently closed it behind her.

Joey drove Meghan home and walked her up to her doorstep.

"Tonight was great," Joey began, "it was so fun."

Meghan laughed.

"Is this when were supposed to kiss?" Meghan joked.

"Maybe" Joey said with a smirky tone.

Meghan laughed and hugged Joey goodnight.


I turned around began to walk down the drive way.

Upon arriving home, Joey trudged up the stairs into his room.

He pulled out his journal and began to write.

Dear Journal,
I went out with Meghan and Cat tonight. It was the most fun I've had in a long time. Meghan didn't have a car, so I drove her. We said goodnight on her doorstep, and she made a joke about us kissing, like how it happens in movies. And I know she was kidding but I think I actually wanted to kiss her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2014 ⏰

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