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The car ride to Forks didn't seem to take as long as it should've. I had gotten at least three phone calls from Damon. It was my daughter who had called me, wanting to talk to me, or Paul, or Garrett. Damon even told me that she had already called Care and Jeremy. I thought it was hilarious how she managed to get Damon's phone without him knowing. Damon was not very happy. I pulled into the driveway to the Cullen house, literally bouncing in my seat because I was so excited. I also saw that Dad's car was still here. Hmm, wonder why that is. I got out of the car after Paul parked, jogging up the steps. I could hear the car doors opening behind me.

I opened the door, taking the steps two at a time. Everyone was upstairs in the kitchen, talking happily. I cleared my throat, catching everyone's attention.

"What'd I miss?" I asked, a smirk on my face. Emmet grinned big, running to me and pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

"I'm a little fragile now Emmet." I managed to say in between breaths. Emmet let me go, a sheepish smile on his face. I laughed before moving on to everyone else. Claire, who was now the size of her twin sister, was also very happy to see me, like alot. She wouldn't leave my arms until I forced her back to her mom.

"Aunty!!" A little girl's voice cried out before I was attacked by small arms. I laughed before hugging Nessie back. She's a character. And then Dad walked up to me, a bundle of blankets in his arms. I raised an eyebrow, only to have Dad place the blankets in my arms. I gasped. It wasn't just blankets. It was a baby.

"Meet your new baby sister, Hope

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"Meet your new baby sister, Hope." He whispered in my ear. I gasped again, tears of joy filling my eyes.

"Hi baby Hope, I'm your big sister." I said to her, to which she smiled. I could hear the front door open but I paid no attention as I bonded with my new little sister. Suddenly, a loud ear-piercing scream was heard, making me nearly drop Hope. I looked around, only to see a sight no mother wants to see.

It was Allison. She had tears running down her face, both angry and sad tears. Damon was trying his best to calm her, but not succeeding. I handed Hope over to Hayley before quickly going over to Alli. "What's wrong baby?" I asked, taking her into my arms and bouncing her up and down.

"Mommy no weave me." She cried. And then I finally understood. She thought that when I was holding Hope, I was replacing her. I sighed, shaking my head.

"No baby, I'm not replacing you. That's my new baby sister and I hadn't got to meet her yet." I explained. Alli just laid her on my shoulder, sucking on a pacifier Damon had got her. "Do you want to meet Mommy's family?" Alli picked her head up off my shoulder and nodded really fast. I giggled, a grin forming on my face. I saw the shocked and confused look on the gangs face as they looked at the Mikaelsons. But I didn't say anything, well at least I won't yet.

"Ok, now this is your Grandpa." I explained, walking over to Dad. I could hear gasps from the gang behind me. "This is my dad."

"Papa!" Alli squealed, clapping her hands. Dad chuckled, stroking her cheek with finger.

"Hi honey." Then I moved on to Hayley and Hope.

"This is Hayley, she is my little sister, Hope, mom. And this little baby is Hope." Alli nodded, reaching over and kissing Hayley's check. I then moved on to Uncle Li and Aunt Bekah. "Now this is my Uncle Elijah and Aunt Rebekah, your great aunt and uncle." Allison smiled, giving them both a slobbery kiss. I then moved on to Liz, who was grinning. "And this is Aunt Liz, my sister."

"Hi baby. I'm Aunty Liz." Liz said, glancing over at me. Allison gurgled, putting her salvia covered fingers on her cheek. Liz groaned but smiled anyway. Then I moved on to everyone else. By the time I was done, I could tell that Allison had weaved her way through everyone's heart. Big time. She is going to be even more spoiled now.

"Dada!" Allison called out. I smiled and handed her over to Damon, who happily took her. I continued talking with Hayley, getting to know her.

"So, Hope is a tribrid? Half witch half vampire half werewolf?!" I questioned, still not quite believing it.

"Yah, she is. It was a surprise to all of us too." Hayley nodded, watching as Hope played with her mother's fingers. A loud cry rang throughout the entire house and I recognized it immeaditly.


I jumped up, looking for her. I found them in the kitchen. Allison was failing her arms around wildly, crying loudly as tears ran down her face. "Dada! Dada! Me want Dada!" She wailed, crying hysterically. I was confused now. Ugh, being a mother is so confusing. She is in Damon's arms right now. Her father. Who is Dada?

"Baby, your in daddy's arms." I told her, trying to shush her cries. Alli sniffled before pointing to Paul, who had his back to us, standing the living room.

"Dada!" She cried. I then understood. She just called Paul Dada. She wants him to be her dad too. Aww, how sweet. I took her from Damon, walking over to Paul.

"Paul." I said, catching his attention. I motioned with my head to Allison and he nodded, looking over at her.

"Hey hun, what's wrong?" Paul asked, taking her from my arms. I smiled, knowing exactly what was coming next.

"Dada!" Allison cheered, laying her head on his shoulder as she sucked her thumb. I took her thumb out of her mouth and replaced it with a pacifier. Paul froze at his new name. I could see the gears moving in his head.

"Dada." He whispered, obviously still getting used to the name. His head snapped up to mine. "She just called me Dada." I nodded.

"Yes, Paul, Allison just called you Dada. She wants you to her her second dad." I explained. It took a minute but a grin formed on his face. He cheered, like he was the luckiest man in the world. And I know that he is thinking that.

"She just called me Dada!" Paul cheered aloud, pulling me into his arms. I liked over at Damon, who didn't look jealous at all. He looked like he knew this was coming. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world." Paul whsierped in my ear. I smirked. Told you so.

I think I can handle this new life.

WildFire - Paul Lahote ✔Where stories live. Discover now