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What's up my dudes?! I just thought of this insane story where a cop literally points his gun in my face, threatens to blow my head off and then arrest me. 

Back when I was a shorty about 12 or 13 years old me and my two best friends saw this building it was an old Greyhound station and it was abandoned obviously abandoned and there were windows that were peeked open. Extinctevly as three young skateboarders we wanted to embark on a skate journey look inside and see if there was anything that we could possibly skate. So we climbed down this to these windows and we look inside a completely abandoned beautiful empty space with a bunch of random little things that you can skate throughout. Well, of course, three of us climb in this window and we get a good session in for about an hour and a half two hours or something like that we were filming it was a lot of fun. AND THAT'S WHEN EVERYTHING WENT HORRIBLY HORRIBLY WRONG...

None of this is exaggerated whatsoever it's going to seem so over the top on the police officers part for some people. Some people might actually think it's pretty justified, but to me it seemed a little outlandish but here you go. 

So I happened to be the one cruising by the front door the entrance of this place I was about four feet away and out of nowhere someone kicks in the door! and I don't mean like a rough like *kicks down door* "OH I'M HERE TO WHATEVER!" I mean a literal kick in the door runs inside gun to my face because I happen to be standing in front of the door and I was a kid who was already scared of police officers, so when he did that...that moment I was petrified. 

Now the next thing he said really didn't help with that at all. He looks me in the face and says "Get on the effing ground before I blow your effing head off!" 

Needless to say that ground and I became best friends in the next four milliseconds. I did not even use my arms! I dropped straight to my chest instantly! So honestly, the police officer actually kept threatening us as we were on the ground, he kept saying things like "I'm going to shoot you if you move do not move put your hands in the air!" and the best part about that is I was on my chest so to put my hands in the air I literally just did like just fishing my arms backwards like "they're in the air please don't shoot me in face!"

There were two other police officers who were a lot more calm than the one guy who kicked in the door in the first place, for the rest of the time he could not keep calm he was very very upset and here's why...

Apparently where we were skating was a hideout for people who were doing criminal activities, but he said along the lines of theft. Which I still don't really understand why he would be that angry about someone who's stealing things unless it was like armed robberies then obviously very understandable. He puts me and my two friends in handcuffs and they take us outside and I could tell that the other two cops were actually a little embarrassed about the situation especially because even we were outside the main cop was still very angry with us even after we explained completely what we did and how sorry we were for doing it and how stupid we felt for going into an abandoned building. 

Once we were outside we had to get our guardians to pick us up because I think we were about 13 at the time and you had to be 18 according to them for us to be released. My aunt and uncle had to come pick me up because at the time my parents weren't living at my house it was very strange scenario that I'll explain a different time, but my uncle was on the phone and the cop the angry one was sitting in his driver's seat looking super frustrated and said "tell your uncle that I almost killed you today tell him that". I was like "I don't think that's a very good idea" because my family dealt with a lot of police activity in the state and they were already sort of biased already towards how the system worked there and I was like "yeah they would not want to hear this at all".

Anyways we all pretty much got away scot-free there was no trouble no tickets or any of that they were just like "please don't come back here" especially because this guy's insane like the other two cops were legitimately it was very obvious that they thought their friend was insane and they were trying to comfort us like "yo man sorry about all that I know that's kind of crazy" whatever blah blah, but yeah that is the story of how I almost got my head blown off or at least threatened to have it blown off...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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