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Jaque had left my room a little after Elliot's visit, promising to wake me up in time to cook crepes. Sure enough the next morning Jaque crawled into my bed and fluttered kisses up and down my neck, stirring me awake,"get off." I half heartedly teased, truthfully not wanting him to stop,"aux cuisines, mon amour?" (To the kitchens, my love?) He asked, pulling the covers harshly off of my warm body, rolling my eyes I stood up and put some mom jeans and a mustard yellow sweater on,"Beau comme toujours, prêt à partir?" (Beautiful as always, ready to go?) He intertwined his fingers into my own,"did you forget how to speak English this morning or what?" I questioned, standing on my tip toes to pepper his jaw with soft kisses, his heart rate picking up and his breath hitching before he managed to spit his words out,"Je vous donne l'expérience authentique." (I'm giving you the authentic experience)
I managed to put on a face of makeup before Jaque picked me up by the waist and carried me down the hall, kicking my door closed on his way out,"put me down." I whined and Jaque pretended not to hear me,"je comprehends seulement le français maintenant." (I only understand French now) he told me, my frustration climbing into my throat,"Pourquoi devez-vous être si difficile?" (Why must you be so difficult?) I questioned and he smiled, finally setting me onto my feet,"La langue ressemble tellement belle à votre langue." (The language sounds so beautiful rolling off of your tongue.) he purred as we continued to walk towards the kitchen staircase,"Après toi, mon lys." (After you, my lily) I rolled my eyes and ran my hand loosely along the railing as we crept towards the kitchens,"where is every-" I began before remembering that he wouldn't listen to any English I spoke to him, I rolled my eyes before restarting my last question,"où est tout le monde?" I asked, gesturing my hand to the empty kitchen, he held my hand and walked the two of us to a metal table with the ingredients spread out on it, he smiled warmly,"Ils voulaient que nous ayons un certain temps." (They wanted us to have some private time)
Before we began to cook he wrapped his arms around my waist, leaving a white apron in their wake, I smiled and turned to him, noticing a checkered white and red apron stretched across his torso,"Voulez-vous un chapeau?" (Want a hat?) He questioned me and I laughed,"Avez-vous même à demander?" (Did you even have to ask?) He chuckled and shook his head as he returned with two floppy white chefs hats, he pushed one down over my now tied back hair and I managed to slip one over his own head,"Allons prendre de la cuisine!" (Let's get cooking)
He handed me a bowl with the flour, sugar, and salt and asked me to sift them while he beat the milk and eggs, I did as I was told and kept stealing glances over to him, he looked so good standing over the bowl, his muscles flexing as he beat his ingredients together," Prenez une photo, cela durera plus longtemps." (Take a picture, it'll last longer.) he teased, smiling up at me, his hair flopping into his face, I smiled,"c'est exactement ce que je vais faire." (That's exactly what I'll do) I decided, pulling my phone out of my pocket and taking a picture of him, the flash illuminating the dimly lit kitchen, I smiled down at it, his golden brown hair hung into his eyes and his crooked, shy smile warmed my heart to look at, I smiled and captioned it,"crepes with my fave fave fave." And posted it to my story,"bring me your bowl?" He asked, shocking me a little,"no more french?" I questioned, hopping off of my perch and handing him the bowl,"oh crap, I totally forgot." He smiled and began to mix the two bowls together,"Jaque?" I asked, slipping my arms around his chest, setting my cheek against his back, feeling his back muscles shift as he whisked,"yes?"
I managed to wrap my fingers together on his stomach before finishing what I was saying,"you're the best." He turned around suddenly and I unravelled my arms from him, I chuckled when I noticed his face was splattered with batter, the light liquid stood out against his deeply tanned skin and his heavily freckled nose,"you mean that?" He asked, wrapping his own hands around my waist now,"of course I do." He smiled brightly before turning back to his batter, spooning it thinly into the pan,"I bet I can toss mine higher than you." I insisted and he laughed,"oh yeah?" He asked, shaking the pan to make sure it was cooked on the side, I nodded, challenging him to try. He threw his thin saucer high into the air, catching it without a problem and setting it back on the stove,"watch this." I warned, pretending to crack my knuckles before grabbing the handle of the pan, turning towards him, gesturing to the crêpe which sat toasty brown in the bottom of the pan, I tossed it as high as I could, barely managing to catch it and watched it sadly flop onto itself, now folded in half,"I'd like to thank the academy." Jaque teased from where he leaned against the counter, watching me with a sparkle in his eyes. Huffing, I traded spots with him, jumping onto the counter and watching him finish cooking as he hummed softly to a Canadian French song called "Alouette" I smiled at him before asking,"why does a man from France know a Canadian children's song?" He chuckled,"I don't know Allyson, maybe I learned it for you."
After the crêpes were finished cooking he sat down beside me, setting a plate of his cooking into my own hand and a slightly more full plate into his own, he had adorned his creation with fresh whipped cream and raspberries,"Allouette, gentille Allouette, Allouette, je te plumerai." He sang loudly whilst throwing his head back proudly, causing me to laugh,"thank you for breakfast." He nodded and smiled,"now you've gotta cook for me sometime, petal." I nodded at him before asking,"what's with all the flower pet names?" I asked him and he looked at me, the same twinkle in his eyes again,"you remind me of a flower, your beauty just keeps growing." I felt my cheeks blush bright pink and I saw him smile while tugging his bottom lip between his teeth. I tried to stay focused on the blue plate in my lap but his hand slipped under my chin, turning my head to his own,"may I?" He asked, and before I could come to my senses I had nodded, he closed the space between us, his lips connected with my own and I could feel my head spin gently. I allowed my lips to mingle with his own before pulling away for breath,"thank you." He laughed, running his hand along his neck, barely meeting my eyes, before I could even ask he had answered my question,"for indulging me, you know, in what we could be. If you and Elliot don't end up together." I smiled,"thank you, for everything this morning."
After we had finished the dishes the two of us walked up the staircase, smiling like school children as we stepped back into the now busy castle,"Allyson! There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you!" A familiar voice enthused, setting his hands on both Jaque and my own shoulders,"I want to show you something." Jaque smiled at Elliot and I before walking down the hall, trying to find something to occupy his time with.
Elliot brought me up a marble staircase that I had never been on before,"where are you taking me?" I asked him and he smiled back at me, continuing to lead me up the stairs,"you'll see darling, just wait." Eventually,we came to a stop in front of a door with bright yellow letters painted across it reading,"sewing room." I gave Elliot a confused look as he held the door open, gesturing me to enter the room which was spilling warm light into the hallway,"there you are!" Will exclaimed, pulling me over to the corner nearest the window, Elliot following closely behind,"the Halloween ball, I'm working on your outfit." I gave the two of them a confused look as Elliot melted into the plush chair beside the full length mirror,"strip down sweetie, I need this to fit you like a glove." Will informed me, pulling my sweater over my head, I shot him an alarmed look and he shrugged,"come on pants too." I begrudgingly obliged, trying not to feel the gaze of most of the girls who were in the room as well as a certain Prince,"I'd kill for her body." I heard somebody whisper from behind me, feeling my cheeks flush lightly, I dropped my hands from where they were previously trying to cover my stomach,"what are we doing today Willy?" I asked him, growing a little excited, the prince returned the smile that I gave him as Will began to hold up ideas for costumes, after looking through design after design Elliot finally piped up,"what about Mary Poppins?" He asked, holding up once of Will's drawings,"you just like that one because of the matching costume, hey Elliot?" He questioned and Elliot blushed quickly,"n-no." He stammered as Will passed me the drawing, it was a Bert and Mary costume from the sidewalk chalk part of the movie, I nodded to Will and gave Elliot a warm smile,"let's do it."

"What did the Buffalo say when his son left for college?" Elliot asked, telling what must be been close to his hundredth joke of the afternoon,"what?" Will asked, sticking a pin into the fabric to hold it up,"bison." Elliot finished, I laughed, moving too much for Will's liking, he slapped my back, causing me to stand up straight,"stop moving, I'm warning you." Elliot checked his watch and leaned over the side of the chair, setting his hand over his forehead, sighing for dramatic effect,"you're next kid." Will laughed, finally putting the last stitch into the dress on my body, I stepped off of the pedestal and looked into the mirror,"woah. Thank you so much Will." I smiled and he laughed,"it's my job honey, let's get you out of this now." He laughed, undoing the zipper and placing it in the dress bag that was hanging. I quickly got redressed as Elliot began to strip,"Halloween is gonna be so good." He whispered and I laughed,"Halloween is so far away." He shook his head,"Halloween is next Tuesday." He laughed, throwing his wadded up clothes at me as we traded spaces, he now stood on the pedestal, the light cascading down his shoulders, casting shadows down his chest and carving his abs in golden light.
I lay sprawled out in the chair, having a staring contest to pass the time with Elliot, he blinked first,"no fair." He snuck out before Will could make him think better, I chuckled and shrugged, admiring Will's craftsmanship,"looking good your highness." Chantel purred, sauntering over and setting her hand on Elliot's shoulder,"thank you Chantel, you are too." He motioned to the low cut black outfit Chantel was wearing, the woman at her station rolled her eyes at her but knew better than to argue with her, I made a gagging sound as she sauntered off but Elliot shrugged,"she's not so bad." Will's eyes caught my own and we shared a look,"whatever you say." Will shook his head and continued to sew the colourful stripes down the suit Elliot was wearing.

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