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This is my introduction of Lawrence. He is a cute guy. He wants to professionally be a Photographer. He is 20 years old. His birthday is December 25th. And he loves the season Fall
This is me, my name is Ella. My height is 5.4. My birthday is August 17th. I am 19 years old. My passion is to be an Artist. My favorite season is Winter. I have 2 best friends named Truth and Cat. #FriendshipGoals
This is the introduction of a boy named Gavin. He is an adorable looking guy. He wants to become a professional Football Player one day! He is a big fan of the Texans team. His Birthday is December 15th. He loves Winter time. He kinda likes a girl named Truth.
This girl I'm bout to tell you about is named Taylor. She has dark blue hair and bright blue eyes. She is 16 years old and her birthday is on October 31st. Taylor's height is 4'8 she often gets teased about her height. She works at Hollywood theatre. Her passion is to become an actress. Btw she is also a complete Internet Kid.
The girl I'm about to tell you about is named Caitlynn. She has bright red glowing hair with dark green eyes. She studies the art of hair and makeup. She is 22 years old and she was born in Winter. Her birthday is on the 12th of December and she loves hanging out with her friends Taylor and Ella.
Boy Meet Up
*On the Beach*
Hey guys y'all wanna go swimming, asked Gavin. Sure, answered Andrew and Lawrence.
I wish there were some hotties on this beach! All there is are old grandmas... ewe, said Andrew. Then don't look over there you idiots says Lawrence. Do y'all wanna go back to the cabin? asks Gavin. Yeah I'm getting bored of the beach, says Lawrence. Yeah me too said Andrew.
Girl Meet up
Were going on a road trip together! I'm not excited for this trip, mumbled Taylor. What did you say taylor? said Caitlynn. Nothing, said Taylor. Come on taylor tell us, Ella said. NOTHING JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, yelled Taylor. Never mind were here anyways, it looks so beautiful doesn't it.Im so glad we chose to go here, said Caitlynn. Let's go to our cabin so I can get wifi, said Taylor. I'll race you, Caitlynn said. *starts running* What the fuck Caitlynn I'm not running! Taylor said. *Caitlynn gets to cabin, drops her bags* I WON! said Caitlynn.
*Taylor and Ella make it to cabin and puts their bags down* Omg look at this cabin, said Ella. *everyone looks around* I CALL THIS BED! said Ella. *looks through window* Guys look said Caitlynn. What said Taylor and Ella.
OMG look at those cute boys on the beach whispered Caitlynn.

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