#Alex #Callum

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Look look I updated the book book
My edit!^^^
Chapter 10:

Alex looked back at Rafe with an arched eyebrow.

"I hope you know what you're saying kid," he threw a glance over his shoulder before guiding the younger mage to the more shadowy parts of the corridor, "Accusing the board and the masters of such a thing is-"

"Yeah, man. That's why I came to you. Saw Master Rockmaple call you out, decided to, yer know," Rafe mumbled.

They stood in silence for a while.

Alex thought for a moment. If Rafe followed him on his plans, would the kid be smart enough to put pieces together and figure out Alex's purpose? Rafe seemed harmless- he would hate to waste such time worrying about the kid ratting him out.

But on the other hand, having a plus one meant less work and blame on him.

The least Alex could do was test Rafe to see how sharp the boy truly was. 

"So, what's up with Master Rufus?"

Alex brought his attention back to Rafe and shrugged before asking, "What do you think?"

Rafe seemed slightly taken aback to have a senior ask for his opinion but stammered a quick 'I don't know' under his breath. Alex let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his neck.

He really hadn't been expecting for the masters and the board to actually consider only saving one of the two missing boys. He knew they had made countless ridiculous decision but this was a new level of low, even by his standards.

It didn't take a brainiac to figure who the masters would choose between Aaron Stewart, the Makar, or Callum Hunt, the... well, Callum Hunt.

"Master Rockmaple wasn't very specific about what I have to do or how I have to do it," Alex paused, hoping Rafe would buy that he was still uncertain of what to do, "But extra help would always be nice."

He watched Rafe face light up.


Rafe stared at him attentively.

"You are still... you know, a new mage and stuff. It may be dangerous-"

"I'm really good at water magic!" Rafe exclaimed but mumbled a sheepish apology for being so loud soon after.

Alex bit back a smirk. He had thought of a very interesting idea. Water magic...

"Alright, how bout this, kid; I'll get more scoop on what's happening and think of a plan. If I think it's safe enough and acceptable by your masters, I may just let you onboard."

"Great! I'll keep my eyes and ears open until then and update ya I get anything!" Rafe beamed excitedly but tried to play it cool with a cough when he realized how overly enthusiastic he must had sounded.

With an awkward pat on back, Alex walked away with a grin.

God, he coudn't wait to see how his plan would work out.

He jogged up to his room and closed the door behind him. He was relieved to see that his roommates were out so he wasted no time and immediately searched through his night stand. He pulled out a small, brown leather box from the drawer and plopped down onto his bed. It was plain and only had a feeble looking padlock keeping it closed.

His room was cluttered enough to be an actual eyesore to look at but Alex preferred away. His bed was undone, laundry laying on the floor and books scattered all over the bed and desk- it made it easier to hide the little pieces of paper he had taped under his desk or the different colour ribbons folded in between the pages of his books.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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