Nightmares and Feelings

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Tarik sprinted for the forest as the moonlight splintered through the trees. He did not want to look back because he knew that Fang was chasing him. He could hear the mountain lion's strong paws padding across the ground behind him as a low growl rumbled from the cat's throat. Tarik was tired, he wanted to stop.

He did, he stopped. Tarik panted as he tried to catch his breath. His heart beating fast as Fang stood beside him. The cat fixed its icy glare on Tarik, claws scraping the ground.
"I can't kill you here," the cat sighed.
Tarik was at a loss of words. Fang had spoken to him before, the dark voice was familiar.
You cannot run forever.
Those words echoed in Tarik's mind for many days. Suddenly, he felt sad. He wanted his sister and brothers. He wanted to go home.
"What about Lishay?" Fang questioned, as if reading Tarik's thoughts. "She likes you in case you haven't noticed."
Tarik felt his cheeks brighten and his face felt hot with embarrassment. He shook his head to clear his mind.

"Why do you want me dead?" Tarik asked, almost choking on his own words.
"If Lynk doesn't kill you, something else will," Fang growled. "Something with scales, something that leads an entire army, something that hurts!"
Tarik took a step back, fear grasping at his body. He didn't feel normal anymore. His eyes clouded with pain as he stared at the cat.
"What do you mean?" Tarik asked him again, desperation in his voice.
"We don't want you to lead them," Fang said, sheathing his claws as his tail flicked to one side.
"Lead who?!" Tarik suddenly felt like screaming.
Fang let out a mrrow of laughter before disappearing into the shadows.

Something shook Tarik, jolting him awake.
It was Ricko, his mentor, his protector.
"Are you all right?" He asked. "You were muttering in your sleep."
"Yes, I'm fine, I just..." Tarik broke off, shaking his head in disbelief.
Did that really just happen?
"We must make our way to the village today," he went on, "if you need anything, tell me," Ricko stood and started to make his way outside of the tent they had set up the night before.
"Tarik," a soft voice said.
He turned to look at her, his heart beating faster than ever.
"What's wrong? You had us all concerned," Lishay leaned closer to Tarik and gently put her hand on his shoulder.
"Bad dream," Tarik lied to her. He knew something was going to happen to him sooner or later. The way Fang said it, it was as if fate was waiting for him.
"Okay, I just hope you're okay. That's all," Lishay  moved away, leaving him alone.
Dorian must be outside, he thought.
Was Tarik's fate going to be that bad if he would not let Lynk kill him?
Nothing made sense to him.
Nothing at all.

Spirit Animals: Life Of Tarik - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now