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Yoongi's Pov-

I want to find out who is behind this situation which caused my taehyung to suffer....when I know who it is.. That day will be the last day for him....

One week has passed still there is no sign of taehyung waking up.... Doctors say they are trying their best to wake taehyung but his body is not responding to the treatments.... All the members visit here daily... But that only includes Jin hyung, Namjoon and Hoseok... rest of us have never left the hospital since we brought taehyung here and not to forget his brother who has been constantly on his side day and night..... But why do I feel some wrong vibes from him... I don't know.

I was sleeping in the room taehyung was admitted in when I woke up to drink water when I saw that taehyung's fingers were moving...... What???? His fingers were moving means he is waking up.. I have to call the doctor fast.

The doctor arrived with Jungkook, Jimin and taehyung's brother rushing here. The doctor was diagnosing taehyung when slowly he tried to open his eyes..... Finally my prayers are answered taehyung is awake......

This happiness didn't last long when I heard the next words that came out from his mouth and stabbed my heart which were .....

Hey guys so so so sorry for the late update..
Actually its Ganapati season so I went to my village and just returned from there..... And the network in villages is just😐😐

Ps: I took some pics of scenery in my village.. Hope u like it

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