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'hey minyoung i'm going to have to cancel tonight somethings come up, i'm really sorry though maybe we can meet up again?' sehun says into the phone, voice wary and questioning.

'look sehun if you really don't want to go out with me you could just say i respect your opinion you know' but the problem was, sehun did want to go out tonight. they were supposed to go and watch a film but after receiving a letter telling him to venture out to an abandoned warehouse, how could he refuse.

deep down he knew it was a stupid idea but something told him that it may be in his best interest, besides if he does die tonight then that means he missed the huge maths exam on monday. saturday seems like an ideal day to die anyways.

'no minyoung i really do, can we reschedule to next saturday' he braced himself for the answer tightly closing his eyes.

'sure why not, i guess i'll see you on monday' after saying their goodbyes sehun put the phone down breathing out a sigh of relief, he really did like this girl but right now curiosity was getting the best of him. thousands of questions that should get answers in the mere hours to come.

after placing on some black shoes and black jacket to match sehun makes his way to the requested address. however, finding the address to said place was not as easy as the tall boy expected. located on the outskirts of seoul in an area mostly surrounded by storage houses and fields, the perfect place to go if you didn't want to be found.

after the initial letter was received sehun also was sent a message from a private number telling him the time of when they should meet. 7pm to be exact. which meant if he wanted to be there on time he'd have to set off at 3pm. it was a hell of a long walk but sehun couldn't just let this go, besides he was sure the pen knife and miniature baseball bat that he had in his bag was good enough protection. he'd hope so anyways.

he'd told his parents that he was simply just staying at one of his friends house, not expecting her to protest against him seems as though she constantly pesters him to go outside and 'see the world'.

the air was warm as he walked down the short path to the bus stop which situated itself under the large tree most people used for shade. leaning against the large post, sehun took out his phone checking if he'd had any messages sent to him in the past hour. suddenly the sound of footsteps walking up to him startled him out of his trance like state.

with startled eyes he looked at the mysterious person, the same exact mysterious person he had seen at football practice earlier this week. he was smaller up close and just as sehun was about to say something the shorter boy broke the silence.

'you're sehun right i'm pretty sure my mum coaches you, i apologise if she shouts a lot i guess it's just in her nature you know' sehun stayed staring at the handsome boy as he smiled wildly, eyes crinkling together and mouth forming a heart shape.

'o-oh no really its okay, i'm not that good at playing in goal i'd probably shout at me too' he smiled scratching the back of his neck, a nervous habit he had had since he was younger.

'i'm kyungsoo by the way' he smiled up at sehun once again but after that the air became thick with the awkward silence that now lingered over them. as if the gods were watching, the bus showed up stilling in front of them and opening it's doors. sehun got on first placing himself at a seat near the back, a place with as little people as possible.

'hey this might sound weird but can i sit with you i don't want some random kid trying to sit next to me' sehun nods welcoming kyungsoo to sit next to him with a warm smile, and so he does so. the bus journey as a whole would be a very long time and if being honest with himself he also didn't want some stranger coming up to him and trying to make small talk.

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