And Then There Was You

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"That's it Miley, I can't take this anymore."
"Take what anymore Liam?"
"This" he gestured his finger between them "Us...... You and I... Me and you"
"What?" The pixie haired blonde beauty said her lips quivering and her eyes full of water "you don't love me anymore?"
"I do... That's the problem I love you but I don't like the person you've become, 4 years of us and you suddenly became this party girl who fucking danced and grind on a man in front of millions of people, I don't even know who you are anymore. I've been miserable fore months now actually,all we do is fight and go out on each other every time we're together,we're never together if I'm filming your on tour and the few times we are together all you wanna do is get drunk and go partying." The tall Australian man said his eyes full of emotion
"That's just it Liam. You never knew who I truly am this is me and you never accepted that.I've gave you all of me." Miley now beating on his chest. "I fucking gave up my career for you, you mother fucking asshole." Still hitting him with all her strength and then she said "and now that I'm back to singing and doing what I love you fucking want to break up with me you fucking asshole." Liam held her arms together and pinning her to the wall. "I never asked you to give up those things." He said straight shot to Miley's eyes. "I love you and I would never ask you to give up what you love for me." He took in a deep breath then he let go of her arms he stood down so he can reach her level and looked straight at her watery blue eyes he sighed and said "look Miles, You knew I wanted this for so long but I never can seem to say no for your plead to not go thru with the break up because deep in my heart I thought we could go back to what we used too and for the past couple of months I've never felt more depressed in my life. I'm not happy anymore...... I feel like our relationship is just a facade to keep the media and our fans happy. We both know your miserable to. We're two different people now Miley. We're both at the height of our careers and we both know that's our first love now." She gave him a dead shot glare "but baby.... I still love you... I can change for you.... Baby please. Please don't throw away what we have. Don't leave me Liam." Liam gave her a pleading look "Miley. I don't want you to change for me I want you to change for yourself and all though I may not approve or all to happy with what you are now. This is you and I can see that your at your happiest when your not with me and your doing your thing. I'm sorry Miley. I love you." He gave her a soft long kiss on her forehead and wheeled his luggage and went straight for the door. Miley then shouted at him "hey! Liam look at me." Still crying Liam rotated his head to look at her "On one condition." "What?" "1 week before we tell the media." Liam gave her a nod he went dead shot and went straight out the door he turned the knob and went out the house he shared with her for 4 years. Miley watched the love of her life walk out on her, she felt her ankles weaken and collapsed at the floor crying. Liam with now watery eyes went for his black SUV opening the trunk and putting his luggage there he now went to the driver seat and tears began to fall as he started his car his phone just received an alert a message from someone

"Hey bro.where are you? Wanna go get some lunch?." He slide to open his Iphone and replied. "Sure, I really need a friend right now." The person quickly replied "oh sounds serious. Ok. Meet me in Olive. I'll be there in 15mins." "Ok,see you." He put his phone on his dashboard and drove of in about 10mins. He reached his destination he parked his car and crossed the street he was greeted by the restaurants host he smiled back "Good day sir,how may I help you today?" "I just need a table for two. And please a private space." "Of course sir." He was lead to the table the brunette man and gave him to there vip area it was dim and quite just how he wanted it he reached in his pocket and dug out a 10 he handed it to the host and said "thanks man. Oh and I'm waiting for someone can you lead her here if she arrives her name is Jennifer." "Sure thing sir." He gave him a polite smile and gave him a small nod.

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