Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Loki Lauyferson and Elise Smith, you have been found guilty of murder. Mr. Lauyferson, you punishment is god life in prison. Mrs. Smith,- says Odin.

Were on trial. Loki is holding my hand and facing me.

"That was so brave. What you did for me." He says inside my head.

"Call her Mrs. Lauyferson!" screams Loki to Odin.

"Fine. Mrs. Lauyferson, your punishment is mortal-" starts Odin.

"She's married a god! Making her a goddess! So she serves a goddess life!" Screams Loki.

"A god life then! Since you two are married you share a cell!" Yells Odin.

We're escorted away. While holding hands we walk pass Thor and are stopped.

"Loki, you deserve this. Elise... You

don't. You can come with me if you-"

"No Thor. I love Loki" I reply then lean in and kiss Loki.

"Suffer with him then." Replies thor turning away.

"You'll love it. Suffer with me and you'll be happier than ever." Whispers Loki in my ear.

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