Spidey's Arachnophobia

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"Bruce can you hand me my screwdriver?" It was just a normal day at Avengers tower. Tony and Bruce were currently working on some invention while the other Avengers sat and talked.

"So Clint how'd that mission from Fury go?" he and Natasha talked about Shield things while Steve and Bucky discussed a new deal at the super market. (You could tell it was a slow day.)

Thor was busy on Asgard and Sam and Rhodey were on vacation. Wanda and Vision went out "Totally not on a date." (They all knew it was totally a date.) This only left one person.

It had become a normal occurrence to see a certain 15 year old from Queens walking around the tower. Peter Parker, better known as Spider-Man, was currently on the floor doing homework. None of the Avengers were paying him much attention until they heard books drop and papers go flying. They looked over to see where Peter had been sitting but all that was left was his scrambled homework.

"Um... What's up Pete? Other than you..." They followed Tony's glance and saw Peter sticking to the ceiling in fright.

"Oh... hey Mr. Stark..." he sheepishly waved.

Tony raised an eyebrow "Is there any particular reason you are currently on the ceiling?"

"Um... No?" it sounded more like a question.

"Then would you like to come down?" Tony gestured to the couch next to him.

"Well uh..." Peter seemed nervous "Could you uh... maybe well..."

Tony rolled his eyes "Spit it out kid."

He just pointed to a spot on the ground "Over there..."

The Avengers looked at the spot but didn't see anything. Clint finally noticed it and started laughing; no one noticed Peter's face going red. "Clint what are you laughing at?"

He walked over and picked up a tiny creature. He showed it to the rest of them "The Spider-Man is afraid of spiders." He held the spider up to Peter's face and he jumped to another part of the ceiling.

"Really?!" Tony started laughing too. The others were a bit nicer and just smiled. It was pretty funny.

"You try getting bit by a radioactive spider and not having a bit of a beef with the things!" Peter defended.

"Wait you got bit by a radioactive spider?" Bruce started thinking. How could that have happened?

Peter rolled his eyes "No I was born like this! Yes I was bit and it really hurt! Like a lot! I was sick in bed for a week!" now even Bruce started laughing.

"You know..." Tony smirked "I've heard that the average person swallows about thirty spiders in their life time."

"Wrong!" Peter corrected "The average is eight. My friend Ned tried to tell me it was thirty but I did my research! Google defiantly said it was eight!"

"Look Pete the mean old spider's gonna get you!" Clint held it up to him again and Peter flinched.

Steve then took the spider from Clint "Ok that's enough."

Bucky looked down at the thing in Steve's hand "It's just a bug." Peter clearly didn't see it that way.

Steve walked over to the kitchenette and washed it down the sink "There you go Peter. No more spider."

Peter jumped back down to the floor and glared at Tony "A huge tower like this and you don't even have a decent exterminator?!" they all started laughing. Unfortunately for Peter he would start finding a lot of fake spiders in his bed courtesy of Clint and Tony. They were never going to let him live this down...

(A/N - Well guys I hope you liked my little One-Shot! :) Thanks for reading! Remember With Great Power comes Great Responsibility!) 

Spidey's Arachnophobia (A Spider-Man and Avengers One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now