rated by: FlawlessFandoms
rated: fatherkanye_
Icon Rate: 3/5
Review: To be honest, I like how aesthetic your icon looks like, but it doesn't match your background so well it contrasts the theme that you have going on, so that's why I gave it a lower rate.
Header/Banner Rate: 3/5
Review: Like I said for your icon, it doesn't really go well with the theme that you have for your account, I would suggest to make it match with your icon (like a blue sky or something) but it doesn't really go too well for the theme you have.
Covers Rate: 4/5
Review: They're some really nice covers. I prefer the ones that have like the same theme though, they look super cute. I would change the simple covers because they kinda contrast with the red theme that you have for most of your covers.
Reading Lists Rate: 5/5
Review: I like how you use the two same emojis and use them for every other reading list to give it a pattern for the stories you like. It's a super cute system and I like that very much.
Bio/Description Rate: 3/5
Review: It's alright I guess. I would keep the quotes to more of a minimum, but I think you should write more about yourself than the quotes because it kinda draws away from the fandoms you are in and what you like.
Location Rate: 5/5
Review: I like it. It's simple and cute and not too over the top. Your location is all good.
Sorry this wasn't done any sooner. School has started and everyone on this account has been busy so sorry for the long wait.
Style ➹ Account Rates
Randomin which we rate your accounts based on well nothing, really