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The second Jada hit the ground, my wolf completely took over. I shifted, every bone in my body expanding and snapping into their second form. I felt fur sprout from my skin, and the very second I landed on all fours, I turned on my paws and attacked the man who'd been holding me.

He didn't have time to react. I lunged forward and sunk my teeth into his throat and twisted my head, taking his jugular with me. He was dead in seconds, and that only seemed to infuriate Jared was dodging Julian's distracted dagger. My body was shaking I was so furious, the fur all along my spine stood on edge, and in my blind rage, I raced forward and tackled Logan to the ground.

I bit his shoulder and shook his body like a dog with a chew toy. Without warning, I felt his claws dig into my side, and he tossed me on the ground beside him. I scrambled up, tugging my ears backwards and opening my muzzle to snarl threateningly at him. He shifted, shredding the clothes he was wearing, and then he ran full speed towards me.

I dodged his attack and lunged to bite into his side, shaking him once again. I pulled an entire chunk off flesh off his side and he threw his head back and howled, loud and painful. His fur was the same colour as his hair, and it momentarily made me wonder if Arabelle would look like that as a wolf. What Logan said about his final experiment made me worry if she would ever shift, or if they'd taken that away from her too.

The mere thought of what he had done to me and Arabelle was enough to send me over the edge, and while he howled, I leaned forward and clamped my jaw shut around his throat, doing the same thing I'd done to the man I'd killed before him.

Dante was fighting a winning battle with the other large man, the one with a blue butterfly tattoo on his neck. It was strange, the tattoo, but it was also strange that the large man was barely putting up a fight. They were still in human form, and Dante dodged a feeble punch from butterfly man and wrapped his hands around his neck fast enough to snap it. The large man dropped, his eyes still open and his face frozen in the same guilty expression it'd been in since I'd first seen him.

Caleb was on the grass when I saw him, eyes glossy and covered over. I tentatively walked over and shut his eyes with my right paw, my heart breaking for my Delta. He had a mate and two small children at home, children who'd never get to see him again. I had to tear my eyes away from him. My wolf was howling in agony, having lost a pack member on top of Jada's current position.

Dante was furious when he killed the man who'd killed Caleb, which only left Jared.

Julian was the one who got to kill Jared. It was swift and articulate, and very well practiced. The blonde man was as smooth as butter when he fought, he made it look more like a ballroom dance than a fight. He slid his dagger out of wherever he kept it, and in one fluid movement, he slid it across Jared's throat. Jared's death was too fast for his wolf to regenerate for, and I watched greedily as he took one final breath and silenced beside the other five bodies, one being Caleb.

Now that our attention was on Jada, I ran to her and put my nose against her neck. She was jerking, her body thrashing through the pain of the venom, but sometimes bodies thrashed even after they died during the shift, so I had to check for a pulse. Hers was strong, which surprised me, but I knew my mate was the strongest woman I knew, and if anyone could get through a shift, it was her. I just worried about how she would feel when she woke up.

Dante, lift her gently and put her on my back, we have to get to the pack house, and fast. I sent him a mental order and he responded immediately, gingerly picking up the brunette and placing her on my back so she wouldn't fall off when I was running.

Dante shifted and Julian grimaced but climbed on his back, and we were running. The smell of Jada's blood wrapped around me even more with each step I took, and that caused me to run even faster, faster than I ever had before. I could feel her blood seeping into my fur, and I knew I had to get to the pack house fast or she wouldn't survive.

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