Luna, Original Prentiss and Proctore and Jason

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Here's a tag to Karmen as she gets a mention in this interaction! KarmezinoNegero

Jason: what is this place?

Luna: I got pulled out of the apocalypse, away from my brother.... For this?

Jason: you're not the only one missing family.

Proctore: Prentiss, did we go through a dimension portal? Or did you accidentally use your Vortex Manipulator again?

Prentiss: I don't think it was me this time!

Jason: What's a Vortex Manipulator?

Luna: Who are you talking to?!

Prentiss: Us, silly!

Proctore: He can understand me?

Jason: yeah, my brother and best friend are both proficient in Earth Magic. And being a Spirit Mage it helps with Translation.

Prentiss: What's a mage?

Luna: someone, usually from books or video games, who can do things that would normally not be possible. Like controlling water, flying, stuff like that.

Jason: oh you mean like this? *summons an ice dagger using the condensation int the air*

Luna: HOLY SHIT*subconsciously draws pistol*

Prentiss: Woah thats super cool do you think i could do that or learn how to do that, please?

Proctore: Prentiss, I don't think that's a-

Jason: sure, if you come to my world.

Prentiss: YAYAYAYAY *claps heaps*

Luna: what... The hell is happening right now...?

Proctore: I have no idea.

Jason: she can't understand bird I think.

Luna: that's because only strange mutated animals from the experimenty thing can talk. And they speak like humans.

Prentiss: oh that sounds terrible maybe i should come to your dimension and take a look?

Proctore: You'd have to tell Karmen.

Jason: Who's Karmen?

Luna: I still have no idea what your talking about.

Prentiss: He said I'd have to tell Karmen. She's super nice and teaches me stuff but if you make her angry she might try and destroy your dimension or universe but it's ok because Ill try to make sure it doesn't happen as she is my friend and you guys are too!

Luna: I don't even know your name, he's got a knife, and I have a gun.

Jason: I thought we stopped those! Wait, hang on, are those things that shoot projectiles smaller and faster than crossbows and bows and are incredibly dangerous?

Luna: Yes. Yes it is. To be a little more specific, what I am holding is a pistol.

Jason: *causes ice dagger to become water again* ok now it's your turn.

Luna: I don't trust you.

Proctore: Prentiss, I advise that we leave. We are in a room with dangerous people, completely unprepared and alone.

Prentiss: Well be fine, they seem nice!

Proctore: everyone seems nice to you.

Jason: you sound like my brother and our friend. *chuckles*

Luna: wherever we are, I would like to go home now. Somehow, I feel home makes more sense than you two and home is insane.

Prentiss: where is home for you then which dimension?

Luna: I live on Earth. Otherwise, no idea.

Jason: I live in Tesonia.

Prentiss: Proctore and I come from Earth, but I forgot which dimension because there is sooo many. I'm Prentiss by the way nice to meet you!

Proctore: Proctore Rubrum.

Jason: Doesn't that mean Red Breast in Consarinian?

Luna: *sighs angrily holstering pistol again* does what mean Red Breast?

Prentiss: Proctore's name! And yes it does I checked but it's Latin for us not whatever you said sorry! What about you miss whats your name?

Luna: *thinks some* call me Luna. Most people do, even my brother Panda does.

Prentiss: ok its nice to meet you!

Jason: oh, I'm Jason. Just realised I forgot to say....

Prentiss: That's ok I forget my name sometimes too but mostly just my age *grins and blushes some*

Luna: All right, so that's done, how the fuck do we get out of here?

Proctore: Prentiss, do you think we should offer our two current companions a trip with the Manipulator?

Prentiss: hey that's a great idea! Guys guys Proctore just had an idea to get us out of here!

Jason: so I heard.

Luna: Well I didn't! What is it?

Prentiss: We can try my Vortex Manipulator!

Luna: Isn't that from Doctor Who...?

Jason Prentiss Proctore: .....What....?

Luna: T.V. Show. Does it travel through time and space?

Prentiss: Not time just space but it does include dimensions.

Jason: so.... What are we waiting for?

Proctore: You. Mostly.

Luna: How does it work?

Prentiss: Grab on! I press buttons and we go places! *grins heaps*

Jason: ummm.... Grab on, how, exactly?

Proctore: Take an arm. Most accurate.

*both Jason and Luna grab one of Prentiss' arms*

Prentiss: Hold on! Don't worry this will probably work.

Luna: oh great, now you tell us?!

Prentiss: *presses buttons and jumps them all out of there*

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