Freinds with benifits// Luke//

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Waring; will be very dirty!!!!

Me and Luke have been best friends for the longest time. He is a very important person in my life, I couldn't imagine a life with out him. He makes me feel so special tbh.

Lately I have gotten feelings for him. He doesn't know, but I wanted to be closer to him so I agreed to the deal. I know your probably asking what deal? Am I right? Well it all started  last week let me show you!!!

// last week ( Thursday afternoon)//

"Hey Mary" I heard Luke down the hall I smile at his voice

" hey lukey" I smirk knowing he doesn't like the nickname I have him as a child

" Mary just no" I see the annoyed facial expression etched on his face

" I'm sorry " but really i'am not I smirk to my self

" so I was thinking..." I look up into his eyes to see he's a bit nervous

" um- what's up?" I see him playing with his thumbs that's weird... Luke's never nervous?

" ah- uh um well" he scratches the back of  his head my eyes nit into confusion  " well Mary- maybe we could be yah know friends with benefits"

I can feel the color leaving my face, my mouth keeps opening and closing almost like a fish in water. I wanted to scream out FUCK YEAH, but what if this messes things up? A lot of thoughts are running through my mind what do I do? Do I say no? Do I say yes?

I realize I have been debating about this in my head for quite a while when Luke starts clapping in my face. My eyes look to his right away.

He starts to look down and mumbles something under his breath " what was that?"

" it was a mistake I shouldn't have asked" he looks down and sighs, he starts walking away. I debate in my head if I should stop him? Maybe I should let him go but I guess my heart thought other wise.

" WAIT...." I yell, he stops and turns around.
" I'll do it Luke" I say looking straight at him taking in big breaths of air.

" really?" A smile was made way on his face!

" yes" He walks closer to me and grabs my hands pulling my hands toward him and wraps his arms around me pulling me in for a hug.

" meet me at my Houes" I hear him whisper in my ear, leaving small opened kisses on my necks leaving me breathless.

" ah- okay " he pulls away with a smirk on his face knowing he has affected me. He kisses my cheek leaving it linger there for a moment. I see him walk down the hall and leave the building.

                       // later that night//

" hey Luke " I say entering his Houes. Yeah I know why didn't I knock? Well I pretty much grew up with the brooks so I'm sorta in a way like family! I was always told just to enter. So when I got there I just went up stairs and right to looks room.

My nerves starting bumbling in my stomach I feel like I'm going to explode with the feelings I'm having! Should I do this? Omg.

I feel arms wrapped around me I jump a little my start relaxing when I smell a certain Cologne. I knew it was Luke " I thought you weren't gonna come" I turn around

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