Chapter Fifteen

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Sally and Ben gazed into the mirror at your dapper outfit and your everlasting smirk that has been gracing your face ever since you got your voice back. You tugged at your leather jacket and pulled up your biker gloves with the fingers cut out of them. Using your long fingernails, you raked through your curly/wavy/straight hair to get it the appropriate style you wanted and then smiled.

Turning around to face the two kids, you shrugged. "What do ya think?"

"Awesome!" Sally squealed.

"You look really nice, Madness," Ben nodded with a small smile. "Where are you taking her?"

"Somewhere special," you said, tugging a belt across the waistline of your jeans.

"You don't say?" Ben asked sarcastically.

You chuckled and lifted your gaze to look at yourself one final time in the mirror. "I think I'm all set, guys," you said, picking up Sally and putting her on your back. You carried her downstairs with Ben following and were met with the most unbelievable sight.

Jane had a long sleeved black dress on with a fluffy white scarf around her neck and a pair of black heeled boots raising her another two inches from her original height. Clockwork was finishing braiding her hair down her back in long single fish tail braid. Sally hopped down off your back and ran to hug her. She giggled and patted Sally's back, letting Clockwork tie the end of her hair with a small navy blue ribbon.

You stood starstruck at her beauty. She wore dresses all of the time, but you'd never seen her so dressed up. Especially for a boy. Much less you. It made you feel kind of bad, since you were, kind of, about to take her into the cold dark woods to see a tombstone.

Oh well.

You felt a hand close your mouth and someone else pat you on the back. You turned to your left to see that Masky had shut your mouth that was previously agape and E.J. pat you on the back, shoving you forward a bit towards Jane. You forced your feet to move towards her, your eyes lighting up at the sight of her up close.

"You look... incredible," you said, after searching for the right word in your mind.

She giggled and pushed a free strand of hair away from her face. "Thanks. You don't look have bad yourself," she said, punching your shoulder playfully.

You chuckled and offered your arm to her. She took it and wrapped her hand around your strong tricep. "You kids have fun," Clockwork winked.

"Don't stay out too f*cking late," Jeff called from the banister, smirking.

You looked up at him and groaned. "Awww, Dad, c'mon!" You said, playing along with their game and rolling your eyes like a human teenager.

He laughed and waved his hand away. "Use protection," Masky added.

Jane tensed making you laugh even harder. She tugged your arm and muttered, "Let's go before it gets any worse." You nodded, waving goodbye to your family and heading out into the cold, snowy atmosphere. With Jane still hanging onto your arm, you lead her towards your destination. "That was..." she trailed off.

"Fun," you finished for her.

"Not the word I would've used, but sure, yeah, let's go with that," she exhaled.

You smiled and watched as a snowflake fell gently on your nose, making you sneeze. Jane halted in her tracks and snorted at your little sneeze. You sniffed and shook your head to clear it. "What's so funny?" You raised an eyebrow.

"You sneeze like a tiny baby!" She squealed. "It's so cute!"

"I'm not cute," you narrowed your eyes defensively at her.

"I never said you were cute," she clarified, "I only said that your itty bitty baby sneeze was."

You took her hand in yours and continued to walk farther into the woods. "I got it from my mom," you said, after a while.

Jane's head slowly craned to look up at you. "Oh?"

You grinned, replaying fond memories with your mother in your mind. "Yeah, she had cute little girly sneezes. I guess it's just another trait I inherited from her." (A/N: my mom, in real life, has the loudest sneeze in the history of ever. It sounds like a cave troll snorting, not even kidding. So, if your mom has a loud sneeze in real life like mine then I'm giving her a tiny one in this story :)

Jane stayed quiet and nodded, not knowing what else to do. You still had her hand in yours, gripping it gently. "Do you miss her?" She whispered hesitantly. You visibly tensed and pursed your lips in a thin line. You knew that question was coming a mile away, but it still hurt to here it out loud. She squeezed your hand and held your arm. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, Y/N."

"No, no... it's okay," you breathed. "I... I do miss her. I miss her very much." You looked up and examined your surroundings. "Almost there," you muttered.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked.

You turned and made her face you full on, holding both of her hands in a sweet grip. "Somewhere that I hold very dear to my nonexistent heart. I'm taking you here because I trust you, Jane. You... you mean a lot to me and I need to be able to show this to someone so... I guess you're the chosen one," you grinned and winked.


Jane let you lead her deeper into the woods. When the wind picked up, you shook off your leather jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. She gasped when your jacket came off because your chiseled abs and toned chest were outlined handsomely underneath the dress shirt you wore. Hearing her small exclamation you rose an eyebrow. "Something wrong?"

She blushed underneath her mask and cleared her throat. "N-no..."

"You sure?" You asked, pulling the smooth leather onto her small shoulders.

"Uh-huh," she gulped, tugging on the rest of it. "Thank you."

"No problem," you stuck your hands into your jeans pockets and offered your arm to her again.

Jane took it and shivered the snow away. She watched as snowflakes descended upon your path in a tiny indistinct line and saw from the corner of her eye, you smile and tilt your head up. "Almost there?" She asked.

"We're here," you breathed.

Jane looked ahead at where you were. It was the same area she had ran into when Clockwork had ran her out of the house in embarrassment. In front of a massive dogwood tree, a small smooth marble stone was bulging out of the ground ever so noticeably, camouflaged underneath the pile of snow. "Y/N, what is this place?"

You took a deep breath and smiled painfully. "I'm glad you asked. This is the grave of my fiancé." You crouched down, brushing away the snow off of the stone to reveal a name and two dates on it, ushering Jane to follow. On the stone, a hand carved portrait of a woman's face was engraved along with the name and dates.

Dun, dun, duuuuun! Happy Halloween (if you celebrate it)! I hope you guys got lots of candy and got super scared!!! Booooooh~


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