It all started with a hammer to the face and a punch to the diafram . '00f" hulk said as the. Hammer hit his cheek. 'Ooooh . Thor scouled as he was punuhed in the diafram. "S.orry green beans man it slipped " Thor said taking the hammer from the face. "I am sorry too hulk smashed in to diafram " hulk said. "I was to busy eating Cheetos to notice." Thor said pleaseily. "Well well well " iron man said coming out of the shadows. Black widow followed behind him .jelous of his relationship stats. " ugh" black widow said punching hulk. "Ow that hurt, now I have a boo boo on my finge" hulk said. "Not sorry ." Black widow said touching her hair. loki showed up wit his new hair steel. " hey guys and girl notice any thing different mmmmmmmmm." Loki said blushing at black widow. "No." Black widow says with smurk . Loki crys going in to hiding.,, Spider-Man sopops down " hey guys what ca doin ." Spider-Man asks, ' hey I am girl,!" Black widow said with surprise. Spider. Man leafs . Wolferine come and kisses iron man on cheek " not in public my honey jube." Iron man said blushing through mask. " I could not resist , my sweet kiwi" Wolferine blutered . Vison flyers down and kiss hulk on foot and Thor get jelly (OMG! PLOT Twist,!) ' I couldn't resist the feet " vision muttered. As he fluttered down the bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou.the monkey kissed black widow then she BBQed gambit
At the bayou BBQ
Everyone was there and had a piece of gambit . Then Thor radomly kissed hulk on the cheek . Everyone gasped except for capton meraca he knew it all along.