(Sos guys last title was miss leading insert that title here there wego perfect)

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Thor head to class ditchin da weirdo Loki hide in locker an cry 😭
Un till spider man s find him an xhangs wit him even tho his social standing go down but it pretty low any.  Waysss so wat da eves

Thor sit in desk an ses peps walk in. ITS SENPAI!!!!!!  Om god !!! Senpai sit diagonal form him Thor start to the fan gurling an tinks wait I snuck ma phone 📱 in I can tsk pic pic 4 senpai shrine!!
He sneaksily taks pic an lik I can't believe I jus did dat 
Den Nick Fury/da tech/miss tar furry
Walking s in an start teching da clas but all tot could think bout waz senpai and dat summer kiss 😘.
He wazent pay attention and he got caled
Thor Thor ? Miss tar furry said
"Uuuh yes?" Thor replayed
"R u here" he stayed

"0 yes I ams" Thor da sayed embarrassed dat senpai could have seen no matter
Class ends and gambit almost fully eat an says I lik u
Every 1 leafs an Thor walking to his nex clas wishes hulk could be in all he class es

Ze. And

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