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    It was a somewhat gloomy day over the city of Hanamura, heavy gray clouds hung in the sky covering the light of the sun. So what would be a better thing to do than to go to the cities local and normally busy arcade and spend some money trying to win a Pachamari or two in the claw machines and set a new high score on one of the variety of games around the room. That was exactly what a certain [H/C}ed female with the name of [F/N] [L/N] was planning to do with the company of [Friend name]. As soon as the doors were opened a flood of noises from the games drifted into the pairs ears causing a cheeky and excited grin to spread along your face as you stepped inside [Friend name] a few steps behind you. As soon as you had the coins you needed the two of you set off to work, you being a bit more adapt to claw machines went to win some Pachamaris while your companion went to set some new highscores to show who was truly the boss of the arcade. 

    A few hours pass and well, you were kind of almost out of money. What a shame, it was only noon as well the day had so much time ahead but you had nothing to do. Just as your friend started dragging you away from a claw machine to keep you from wasting more money on another shot at getting a second Pachamari, you heard that all too familiar laughing echoing from the back of the arcade. You, along with the other females in the area were all well aware when this green haired male, otherwise known as Genji Shimada was in the building. Most girls have been warned by their friends for his well... playboy like attitude. So naturally females either avoided him when they could, or went right over and talked to him. Looking up over the arcade machines you could just barely see the green haired male chatting to someone you couldn't see fully as he pressed buttons on the machine in front of him, not even bothering to make eye contact to whoever he was talking to eyes simply glued to the screen. You couldn't help but find yourself rolling your eyes in annoyance but stifled the scoff, because well you were known to do the same thing sometimes when it came to play video games so judging at the moment wasn't right.

     Pulling yourself from your friends grip on your arm you sent them a kind smile before saying, "Want to go get smoothies or something?" which was then greeted in response by them nodding and happily yelling, "Yeah!" and grabbing your arm running to the doors sending you two colliding into some poor person who was just walking into said arcade. Quickly pulling your arm from your friend you quickly began apologizing for the accidental collision. Actually you didn't even notice who you bumped into until whoever it was rose to their feet saying quickly, "I am sorry as well, I should have been watching where I was going--" The figure did what seemed to be a bow quickly before gazing at you briefly allowing you to take in their features. Long dark brown hair, which gave their features a more feminine look though their vocal tone didn't exactly match that more feminine appearance his hair made them harbor. Just when you where about to open your mouth to apologize yourself, a voice rang out from the back of the arcade, "Heeey Hanzo!" They shouted before soon another figure was next to the male infront of you.

    You could have sworn a small scowl stretched upon this 'Hanzo's' features as soon as an arm wrapped around his shoulder as the grinning green haired Shimada laughed lightly, "Didn't expect to bump into you here!" This just led to Hanzo scowling even more pulling Genji's arm off his shouler and fixing his now ruffled clothing, "Genji, I would much prefer you wouldn't do this." He muttered as Genji simply rolled his eyes,

"Didn't know you liked arcades-"

"I don't Genji."

After that brief 'conversation' Hanzo watched as Genji stared at him for a few seconds longer before saying, "Then why are you here Hanzo-'

"Father sent me, said he needs you home. Now."

Seeing that there was obvious emphasis on the word now you decided it was time to leave. Turning on your heels you started to walk off towards to your friend who was waving frantically at you to come over pointing at her game screen a giant grin on her face. Jogging to her side she pointed to the screen showing a new high score on that machine.


Soon a list of scores appeared

1- TERMINATOR - 100,000
2- DRAGONSLAYER - 90,000
3- ABC - 5,000

Smiling  at your excited friend you listened to her ramble on and on about how hard it was to beat that guys score. Chuckling at this you handed her some more quarters do she could try to get even higher to secure her score. Soon hearing someone walk by then freeze in their tracks you turned just to see an a lot less smug green haired male staring at the screen.

"H o w"

Was all he said before you grabbed your friend and sprinted off.

What an eventful day.

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