Black Patches

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Lights flashed and the air zoomed around me as I plummeted through the hole. To my right, I could hear the shrieks of my classmate, Glim, as she fell through behind me. I didn't need to see her to sense the wild gleam in her eyes. "Isn't this awesome!?" she shouted over the rushing wind.

I forced my mouth open, my cheeks flapping. "You're crazy!" I managed to yell. When Glim said she wanted to show me something, I didn't think she wanted me to fall to my death. "We're going to die!"

Before I could finish, Glim burst into laughter. "No, we're not! I've done this enough times to know how to not completely rip into shreds!"

My eyes widened. "What?!"

She continued to laugh, the craziness creeping into her giggles. "Just brace yourself, Dexter!"

My head spun from the lack of oxygen, and I screamed at the top of my lungs, wasting the rest of it. A circle of light grew wider below me, and I knew it was the end. I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth, preparing for the splat.

This is it, I thought. Goodbye life!

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