Chap3 'What??'

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Mei's POV

But as usual, we didnt do what the teachers say keke we are talking while she's gone..and then the guys started to come near me and rose, and they asked some questions, like 'what did you do?!' 'Where did you guys go huh?!' 'Is there something we need to know', i was annoyed by they are saying that in chorus but luckily the teachers enters the room and the student who were not in their seats rushingly go back to their placeu, but someone follows ms.lee..its a new girl, and she was only transfered today..keke she seems nice??

Ms.lee: okey class, please greet, uhmmm i should let you introduce yourself

The new girl: u-uhmmm o-ok ms.lee, annyeong! Chelsea areum kim imnida! Im 21 years old..but you can call me che,Areum or

She wave her hands and then she seats beside im between of rose and chelsea..she was a nice girl keke i kinda like her to be my friend..then its time to vote for some class officers, then the election of president is now open

Ms.lee: okey class vote for the president who is responsible and good at leadership

Then, we pick namjoonie, he is good at leadership and he is a lil' bit responsible haha

Kookie: i vote rm to be a class president

Ms.lee: okey so only namjoon?!

Class: ne!

Ms.lee: okey then,the class president is namjoon

We can see namjoon whined about that haha what a cute namjoonie

namjoon: aish i got nothing to do with it..*Sigh*

Ms.lee: ok namjoon, take my place over, take charge of it, i will just go to the faculty to do some stuffs ok??

Namjoon: ne Ms.Lee!

Ms.lee: see you later class behave ok?? And namjoon list all the names of the noisy students ok??

Namjoon: copy ma'am

Class: *stands up* goodbye ms.lee!

Namjoon: ok guys shhh, i dont know why did you guys vote me in this election but still kamsahamnidaaa, now let's move on to the vice president, the election is now open for the position of the vice president

Class: wahh me!!! Mee!! Yahhh pick meee!!

Namjoon:yah!!one by one!

Class:*raises their hands*

Namjoon: ok you,the little girl with a shy type

Rm(namjoon) pointed at the girl beside me in the left side, its chelsea, but i like her to call her che keke

Che: u-uhmmm m-me??

Rm: ne! I want you to be the vice president! Do you take this offer??

Chelsea's POV

I was so silent and i have no energy to talk to anyone until someone called my name and i looked up and saw namjoon pointing and staring at me

Che: w-waeyo??

Rm: i want you to be the vice president

Then i was so confused why did he pick me to be the vice president of this class??? Im not good at communicating and leadership huhu whyyy namjoon?! But i have no choice but to follow his orders..and then i stood up and go infront of the class and start speaking

Che: o-ok guys, the election for the position of the s-secretary is now open, who wants to v-volunteer??

But nobody raises their hands and i put mei's name in the board and she is now the secretary and i gave her the marker and she is now responsible for the writing thingy

And some elections for the other positions has been done and now its time for the muse and escort election haha this is going to be fun

Namjoon:i want jin and rose to be the muse and escort of this class

Rose&jin: yah! Why us?!

Haha they spoke at the same time haha what a cute couple

Mei: ne,because we like too and the whole class is agreed with it, right guys??


Rose&jin: yah! Stop it!!

Haha tbh, they are really a perfect couple their smart and funny and hyper and had some good looking faceu and they have the same quality so that's why makes them a perfect couple haha

Che: so this is our officers for the whole year


President:kim namjoon
vicepresident:chelsea kim
Secretary:mei chen
treasurer:park hye ki
Auditory:park so ki
Muse:rose min park
escort:kim seokjin

Haha and btw, park hye ki and park so ki are twins haha😂😂 they have a really nice personalities
And then the bell rangs and its a sign of dismissal..and then the teacher exactly entered the room and say goodbye and see you tom haha how teachers always saying..

We pack our things and get ready to go but someone held my wrist..And its nail are marking into my skin..I was in the edge of fear

Mei: Y-yahh! L-let go of m-me p-please!!

????: you have to go with me bitch

that voice..Is familiar to me and i look up who was dragging me to somewhere and i was shocked when i saw angelica with her evil smirk..I was afraid..Please someone help me

Then after of dragging and dragging me to somewhere..We are here..Its dark and its dusty

Mei: why d-did you b-bring me h-here???

I asked her with hesitant

Angel(Angelica): Bitch don't pretend..You Slutt!!

She slap me in the right cheeks and i hold my cheek in pain..Its sour and i cant even feel my cheek

Angel: Stop trying that you are going to have taehyung..He's mine and only mine!! you bitchy slutt!!

She kick me in the stomach so i wont have energy to fight back..And she punch me in the face and i was in the floor with my Bruised body..

Mei: But i-im not s-stealing tae f-from you..Ahhh it hurtsss plss stopp

Angel: I wont stop unless you're beaten up to death!!

Mei: Pls im ahhhh!! begging y-youu st----stopppp!!

angel: Dont every mess with me and my tae ever again! See yahh bitch

Then she walk out of the door..I was lonely with my blood dripping on the floor from my lips..I was crying in pain..It was really hurt..Then suddenly eveything went black


What just happaned??

annyeong!!! Sorry guys if i updated this chapter so long..I have my personal reason..So sorry again pls like my story..Takecare always!!! sorry for the wrong grammar



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