Chapter Six

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Lucien takes me home later that day and I don't even want it to end. I lean against the door and he takes my hands in his, squeezing my hands. "Do you have to go?" I stick out my lower lip, pouting. He chuckles pulling me off the door and into his arms. 

"I do unfortunately, but I'll be back. I promise." he kisses my forehead, stroking my hair.

 "Can't I come with you?" I murmur in his chest. 

"I would love that, but I need to be completely focused. I cant do that if you're here with me." looking up at him, I rest my chest on his chest.

 "So you'll hurry back?" he kisses my nose. "Of course dove." my heart flutters at the nickname.

He holds me for a while before leaving. I watch him walk away and he casts a few glances back at me before winnowing away. I lean against the door closing my eyes. Knowing he is going to be gone for mother knows how long makes my chest aches. I rub my chest, trying to soothe the ache, when the door opens and I stumble backwards into Rhysand. He catches me by the shoulders and sets me up right. "Sorry Elain. I had no clue you were back." he says, closing the door. 

"It's okay. I was just thinking, saying goodbye to Lucien. He left just a minute ago." I reply.

His violet eyes study my face for a long time. "How about you come with me? Help get your mind off of everything?" his tone is casual and soft. 

"What are you going to do?" I ask. 

"I am about to have a meeting with Eris. He wants to talk of our deal. After that we can grab Feyre and head out for ice cream." he shrugs his shoulders and starts walking. I look to the door then at him. I run up, walking beside him, still wearing the dress I wore to Lucien's apartment.

"Where is Feyre? Shouldn't she be accompanying you? Being High Lady and all." I ask having to walk a bit quicker to catch up with his long strides. 

"She is practicing with Cassian up at the house and will later be learning to fly with Azriel." I nod. 

"How is he? Azriel I mean." he looks down at me holding out a hand I take it and wind rips through my hair and slams into me as we fly through the world and arrive at the Night Court manor. He doesn't answer as he lets go of my hand and starts walking. 

"He hasn't visited." I say walking beside him. 

"He is fine Elain. He is just really busy with the new legion." he replies. I keep my mouth shut the rest of the walk.

        We arrive in a meeting room a long table stretching across the room, Eris sitting in a middle chair. He looks so much like Lucien except his skin is lighter. He has long fiery red hair, and amber eyes, an evil grin crosses his lips. "Rhysand." his voice slithers over my bones causing me to cringe.

 "Eris." Rhysand's voice is cold. He sits at the head of the table and I sit to his left, remaining quiet. 

"I don't want to talk long Rhysand. I just want to verify in person our deal still holds up. I kept my part of the bargain. You need to keep your end up." I know the bargain they speak of. Feyre told me about it. He made sure Beron was on their side during the war in exchange they help Eris rise and become High Lord.

Azriel was part of why this is in motion. The meeting is short as Rhysand confirms he is still holding up to that bargain. When he winnows back to the town house, he storms off onto the roof and I go out into the garden sitting in a chair. I admire my roses, tulips and lilies. The beautiful flowers dancing in the breeze. I rest my head on my hand and let myself think of Azriel. We have gotten close since the war, but in a strictly friendship way. He helped me with my powers. He showed me kindness. Azriel will always be an important figure in my life. No matter what happens with me and Lucien.

It's like he knew he is in my thoughts because Azriel steps out of the shadows, all of them vanishing as he walks towards me. I smile and stand up to embrace him. "Az!" he gives me a brief squeeze before sitting down in the chair next to mine.

 "Sorry I haven't been by in a while. I have been busy." his voice is quiet and soft. 

"I understand. Lucien just left for the Spring Court." he nods. Of course he already knows. He most likely already knows about my progression with Lucien. 

"He is a good guy Elain. I am happy you're taking a step forward with him." I smile thinking of the time I've already spent with him. 

"Yes he is indeed."

We sit in silence for a few minutes. "What exactly happened in the war camps?" I ask curious as to what the exact reason is he didn't visit so long.

 "The new legion isn't following orders, and they aren't allowing the women to train. Some even clipped their wings which Rhys banned a long time ago." my eyes widen. No wonder he hasn't visited. No wonder the guys have been so on edge lately. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize." he nods and a bit of those shadows curl around his ear.

"Have you accepted the bond?" he asks. I bite my lip, shuffling my feet in the gravel. 

Swallowing hard I shake my head, and that dull ache in my chest starts again. "That's smart." he says observing the garden.

 "It's not because of him. I just.. I'm not ready. I want to pursue things without involving a bond. See how we fit, how we work together." I say resting my chin in my hand.

 "Well how is it so far?" he asks. A small smile creeps along my lips.

 "Mmm if I am honest things are so great. It's only been a day, but he is kind and sweet and understanding. Things are so comfortable between us." the ache grows as I think of last night and the day I had with Lucien.

After Azriel leaves I pack a bag full of my feminine products, simple dresses, and a few books and head out to Lucien's apartment. I know he wont be there for a while, but I want to surprise him. I make myself comfortable in his home, hanging up my dresses, putting my products in the bathroom and setting the books on a small end table. Sitting on the couch I take out one of my books and start reading. Maybe we can start living with one another. I know it's soon, but we spend all our time together anyway. I'll talk to him about it when he gets back from the Spring Court after he talks about the trip. I am ready to take it to the next level.

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