The Punishment

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I try to make myself even smaller but my chains are restricting me. "FREAK! STAND UP NOW!" My Uncle screams at me.

"Y-y-yes sir." I stutter as I stand. my legs are shaky but I know better than to disobey.

"Now what are you?" He says in a rather smug way.

"I-I'm a a... I'm a freak sir" I whisper bowing my head in humiliation.

"What was that I didn't quite hear it?" He said in a dangerous tone.

"I said I'm a freak sir." I say with my head still bowed but with volume to satisfy my uncle.

"Good I'm glad that message has sunk in after all this time." Then he lowers in voice to a whisper. this somehow sounded more menacing. "And why do we call you freak?"

"Because I don't deserve a name sir. I don't deserve an identity because I'm just a burden and a freak sir."

"Good so from now on you will answer to freak and only freak. Do you understand?" I knew better than to argue so I simply said nothing because I knew if I said something I would regret it later. A few moments passed. "well freak say something."

"Yes Sir" was my simple answer. I knew more was coming. I could tell by the smirk on his face.

"This is how you will refer to yourself. You will not say 'I did...' you will say 'Freak did...'. And you will call my son 'Sir', my wife 'ma'am' and as for me, you shell call me 'Master'. Is that understood?"


"Yes what?" In a moment of insanity I come out with the worse thing possible.

"Just yes." my uncle began to go red with anger.

"CALL ME MASTER YOU FREAK!" He shouted at me.

"I WILL NEVER CALL YOU MASTER. NEVER." After a had screamed at him I realised what I had done. I have just made my life so much harder. When I see him raise the whip I curl up in a ball and try to protect myself. CRACK! As the whip hits my tender skin, I yell but no one hears. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! With each crack of the whip I become less and less aware of my surrounding.

After about 10 minutes of whipping it stopped. I saw a blurred figure in front of me. "Now what do you say freak?" I'm finally beaten. I couldn't take another beating.

"Freak is sorry master." With that he left, picking something up off the floor on his way out.

A/N: Hey thanks for the votes and review. should be writing abit more over Easter cuz I hate seeing my family so should keep me busy while there auguring... again lol.

What is family?- A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now