2. Young Love

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It was January of the year 2012.

I was twenty years old already, and I followed my father's steps, his passion for traveling around the world. I was desperate to go to Hong Kong, it wasn't the first time I was going, but I really loved it and my birthday was on the 7th, thus I convinced my boyfriend to go there. He didn't like airplanes too much, but I told him it would be really special, since it was our first trip together in two years of relationship.

He was my first love, my first kiss, I loved him very much. I really appreciated it when he understood my wish of waiting until marriage to have sex. He was really one of a kind, most guys would have just left, but he stayed with me even after telling him about that.

We booked our flight, and searched for cheap hostels to sleep during the week we were going to stay in Hong Kong. Luckily he found one that was very close to everything we wanted to visit, so we booked a double bed bedroom for five nights.

My parents were so happy with him, with us being a couple. They noticed how he was very gentle with me, always. Supportive towards my life choices and everything. So they used to tell me "you two are going to end up married", or "I hope you get married". I was glad they never said those things in front of him, could you imagine how embarrassing would it be? Of course I always told them I wasn't ready to get married, I mean, we met when we were only eighteen years old! Yes, we had been together for two years already, but we were still too young.

Although, I didn't want to be like one of those couples who spend like ten years being in a relationship before getting married and then get divorced right after two months. Anyways, when I thought about marriage, I always thought it would happen around my twenty four or twenty five years of age. Not too old, and not too young.

Well, the day we had to leave for Hong Kong, my parents took us to the airport and helped us with our bags. I held my boyfriend's hand and we walked into the boarding area after checking-in.

The flight was long, and we had to make a connection in California, since I lived in New York by that time. When we arrived in Hong Kong, I was really tired, I needed to stretch my legs. We walked around the airport before catching a taxi to get to the hostel. I noticed he was a little annoyed by that, maybe he just wanted to get to the hostel as soon as possible, but I loved getting to know the airport better.

He was pushing the trolley with all the bags, and I was hooking my arm with his, kind of helping him push, but not really. We passed by a store that sold really good chocolate, so I got excited and started pointing at it.

-Look! Look! That's the chocolate I told you about! let's buy some!!- I said excitedly, holding his face to make him look at the shop.

But as soon as he looked at the shop, we heard a big POOM and a BAM, and the trolley stopped rolling, making the bags fall down. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands. My boyfriend gasped as well, but immediately went to assist the person we clashed with.

-I'm so sorry!- He said while helping the other guy to stand up.
-It's ok, it's ok, I was not looking-The guy replied, he was Chinese, so I tried to apologize in Chinese since I was learning the language.
-Dui bu qi, dui bu qi- I was saying sorry, I hoped my accent wasn't too terrible.
-Ah, Mei wen ti- He replied saying there was no problem- Wo de zou le- He said he had to go.
-Oh, hao, dui bu qi, bao zhong!- I apologized again and told him to take care.
-Zai jian!- He said goodbye, and gave me an eye smile, I couldn't see his smile because he was wearing a mask. He looked very sweet, I was so ashamed for clashing our trolley against him.

He seemed in a rush, he wasn't holding any bags, so he was probably going to the boarding area already.

-See what you've done, you made me hurt someone just for your chocolates!- My boyfriend told me with an annoyed voice.
-Don't be like that! He said he wasn't looking either, don't blame me!- I responded.
-Ugh, let's just go straight to the hostel please, I want to sleep- He said, still using his annoyed voice. I rolled my eyes and we went outside to take a taxi.

When we arrived, we checked in and went to our bedroom. My boyfriend took a shower first, while I looked for all my stuff. When he got out, I went in, he gave me a mischievous smile before I closed the bathroom door.

After showering, I went outside the bathroom, and saw that my boyfriend had pushed the two beds together, and he was already laying underneath the blankets. I smiled at that sight, he looked cute, I could only see his eyes.

I got in the bed, and approached him to kiss him goodnight. But suddenly, he opened his eyes and grabbed my arm, trying to bring me closer to him.

-Hey, what are you doing?- I asked chuckling.
-Didn't you say this trip was going to be special?- He said smirking, and then he lifted the blankets to fully touch my body.
-Hey! no, no, no! I think there was a misunderstanding- I said trying to stop his hand.
-What? What do you mean?- He said confused.
-I told you, I don't want to have sex until marriage, remember?-He frowned.
-But, you said this was a special trip, and we booked a room for just the two of us...-
-Yeah, but with TWO beds, I really don't want to do anything else- I interrupted him.
-Then why the hell did you say it was special?!- His voice was louder now.
-Because we're alone and it's my birthday! Also, I'm going to practice my Chinese here, I thought you would be proud!- I shouted back.
-So you're telling me I flew all the way from New York just to hear you speaking Chinese? Are you crazy?- He was really mad. I had never seen him so angry, it was the first time in two years that we were arguing like that.

He got up the bed, and went to the bathroom, closing the door very hard. I didn't know what to do, I thought he understood my wish of waiting, but apparently he didn't. After ten minutes he went back out.

-Listen, I've waited two long years to be with you, I don't..I don't think I can wait any longer...- He said with a serious face.
-How can you say that? So you only came here because you thought something would happen? If you really loved me then you would wait- I told him, frustrated.
-Huh, then if you really loved me you would want to do it with me, right? -He said, screeching his teeth. I couldn't reply right away, because he had a point, sort of.
-I never knew this side of you, I thought you were comprehensive, and supportive, but if that's really what you think, then ... then I think this won't work out- I told him coldly. He raised his eyebrows.
-Ah, great, because I wasn't thinking of marrying you anyways- I was shocked by his words, how could he change so much from one day to the next? He was never like this, or maybe he was, but I didn't notice before. I was blinded by his kindness for two years, and my parents fell for it too.
-How can you be so mean!??!! JUST LEAVE THEN, LEAVE RIGHT NOW!- I yelled again, I was about to cry, I wanted him to leave before he could see me crying for him.
-FINE!- He replied, grabbed his bags, and got out the room.

I stayed alone in the bedroom, thinking about what happened. I was crying non-stop, he turned out to be a totally different person, I thought he was special, but he was only more patient than most guys. And he was really patient for waiting two years... well, at least that's what I thought he did. I really thought we were in love, but I guess that's what young love is, naively saying I love you without really knowing what love is.

So my trip to Hong Kong turned out to be a nightmare, my birthday sucked big time. I tried to enjoy it by myself, but my heart ached after the break-up. I tried to comfort myself thinking that there would be more chances to come back. As for boys, they could wait.

I was better off alone.

A/N: Writing the Chinese pinyin was so cringy omg. But I know most of you wouldn't know how to read the characters, so I made a sacrifice 😝

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