The Rumor

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"Hey, see you later Josh."

"Yeah, see ya."

Getting home was all Josh Nomak could think about.  Today was the start of summer!  He just finished eighth grade and was happy to leave that hell called middle school.  Once he got home, Josh got on his phone, did his daily afternoon routine, checking instagram, twitter, facebook.  The usual.  But as he was scrolling through twitter, he saw something that caught his eye.  The post read "Monster Ritual, link in bio."  That's weird, he thought.  He searched up monster ritual in the twitter search bar, and up popped up about a hundred posts with around the same caption.  So he decided to check out this website.  It was blocked though.  "Damn."  He looked up how to get into blocked websites, and he found a software that would do just that.  Once he got everything set up, he typed in the website, and this time, it wasn't blocked.  

He read through the ingredients and how to supposedly "summon" a monster.  After he read it all, he realized that this required everyday items, a pinch of salt, Death Camas, which were easy to come by, herbs, and the last thing was the thing that made Josh almost reconsider.  He had to spill some of his blood.   "The hell is this?" In the end though, he decided just to do it.  "Hey this might be a good thing," he thought, "this thing might grant me some wishes or something."  This is how he went along with it, the slight chance that he could control the monster.  I bet he regrets it now.  But anyways along with the story.

"Comos de vada sen tia.  Did it work?"  He asked himself.  All of a sudden his house started to shake, "good thing my parents aren't home." he laughed, he stopped laughing when his T.V randomly turned on.  "What th-"  Before he could finish his sentence, his lamp's light bulb burst into tiny shards of glass, "shit, maybe I shouldn't have done this." His phone flew off his desk, smashing into the wall, his radio, playing static. "I've got to get out of here."  He swore to himself. As he was darting to the door, it slammed shut.  He tried to open it, but it was somehow locked from the outside.  "Shit!"  He yelled, he frantically looked around, and he saw his window.  He slammed into it, breaking the glass, and jumped.

He fell about five feet, landing on his back.  "Fu-" Again he was interrupted by the strike of lightning.  It had been predicted to be a storm tonight, and he forgot, he swore at himself again, and got up and ran.  Back at the house, a bright light appeared, and out of it stood the monster.  Fifteen feet tall, huge knives for hands, black eyes, and somewhat of an open mouth, combined with a smile.  A devilish smile.  Josh was running through the forest, not caring about the cuts he was getting on his arms and face, and the constant rough pine rubbing against his cheeks.  But nothing mattered right now.  All Josh was thinking about was getting to Jermy's house.  Jermy was his best friend people think it's spelled as Jermey, but there's no "e" after the "m".  Jermy even said "see you later Josh."  I guess this was the later part.  

Josh was about three blocks from Jermy's house when he heard a twig break behind him.  He kept running but glanced behind him.  There stood the monster, Josh's heart dropped.  "Holy shit!"  He screamed and started to run faster.  He saw the abandoned shack that everyone used for party's.  Mostly just to get drunk.  He ran into the shack and heard the thing's footsteps outside the door.  It looked into the window and Josh's eyes widened. It went over to the door and started to smash it.  Josh panicked, looking around, and he saw the back door. He burst through it and ran back in the direction of his house.  His dad hunted, so he knew where the guns were.  He never used one.  But he'd seen people do it in the movies, and how hard could it be?

He ran inside his house, called 911, and went to his parents room.  That's were his father kept his guns.  "Hello 911, what's your emergency?"

"Yes hello, there's a monster chasing me."

"A monster?"

He gulped as he fumbled with a shotgun, loading the shells into the gun. "Yes please, send help, there's a monster chasing me."  He started to cry, "please, please."

"And what's your address sir?" The lady asked.

Before he could answer, he heard a blast outside his house.  "Please just send help." And with that he hung up.  Josh went downstairs gun ready, and when he saw the thing, it leaped at him.  He pulled the trigger.  Nothing happened.  He screamed as the thing used it's arm to slice his head off.  When the police arrived, they found only Josh's head.  And the shotgun.  With the safety lock on. 

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