Chapter Sixteen

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After that exhausting baby shopping day (which was a couple of months by the way) we had bought almost everything for James jnr we even had the hospital bag all packed awaiting the arrival of junior we didnt have to wait long

Punk and Jimmy stayed at ours over last few weeks of pregnancy incase she went into labour in the early hours, It was a tuesday morning when it happened we were all downstairs when Punk got up to go to the bathroom she had been getting pains past week and kept getting sent home as she was walking towards bathroom she bent over doubled in pain Jimmy and Zack were outside so I went along to help her just as I reached her , her waters broke "Sarah im sorry " i looked at her and laughed hey its ok chick cant help mother natures moments I helped her back to the sofa made her as comfy as i could while heading outside to get Jimmy and Zack "hey guys yas may want to get ya butts in ere instead of trying to cath the rays Tracys waters have just broke" Jimmy looked at me and ran into the house "baby are you ok?", Punk looked at him "OK do i look ok your son is on his way I havent time to get to hospital Jimmy I need to push" just as she said that the urge must have been over whelming Jimmy panicked a little bit but pulled himself together he got my throw and put it over Punks legs to hide her dignity and walked back round to her side where he took her hand and stroked her hair it was cute to see he was even helping her breathe through the contractions until she squeezed his hand abit too much and she heard a crunch "oops sorry baby but your pain aint as bad as my pain SARAH I need you right here now " I came running through with Zacky who bless him looked mortified "the baby gonna be born ere? "yes babe" he looked at me and asked what he could do so giving his instructions he went off and came back through a couple minutes later with everything I requested "right Zacky get round to tracys other side and relieve Jimmy of one of her hands , Ok Tracy when your ready on next cntraction give me one big push chick" she nodded and started pushing "ok Tracy keep it coming hes crowning" she stopped for a little bit and started pushing again "keep going he's nearly here" with one more big push James Owen Sullivan Junior was born into the world and I must say so myself he was beautiful he looked so much like Jimmy minus all the tattoo work his eye colour was same and he had one hell of a head of hair I tied and cut the cord cleaned him up and wrapped him in a warm blanket and gave him to Tracy, Jimmy was crying with pure happiness and I took Zackys hand and led him out the room while they both shared this special moment I rang her midwife to let her know that James had arrived and she said she would be out in next ten minutes to check Tracy and baby over, we went into the kitchen and zacky joked on with me about training to become a midwife he came across and held me then asked when it was our turn I just looked at him and was about to speak when midwife arrived I answered the door and led he to where Jimmy and Tracy were, she helped Tracy deliver the placenta and weighed James Junior "well girl you have done very well he weighs 10lb 5oz a very healthy weight and at your size you have no tear and your placenta was only 2 lb lighter so everythings well and I dont think you need the hospital everythings been handled well and congratulations on the birth of your son " the midwife said while she was there I went upstairs to get Nikki so she could see her new brother and the scene was very cute she sat on Punks knees and kissed his head Zacky couldnt resist but too take a picture after he done it he went away to ring the rest of the guys to let them know the news.

Its hard to believe everything these two went through from when Tracy was with Mark right the way up to now how even though they had their ups and downs nothing and I mean nothing can ever break these two apart I for one am very pleased for them both they are perfect and have two beautiful children and loving partners too each other who said best friends will never make it in a relationship Punk and Jimmys has proved everybody who doubted them wrong and so I shall end this here as Im writing this in my journal tears are starting to fall and Im being closely watched by Zacky once again I am so proud of them both one for having them in my life as my closet, best friends but also because of the joy they give me seeing them both together and who knows maybe Zacky will get what he craves but that will be a different journal entry to read for you so goodbye for now and take care all .

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