Music and Lyrics (English class thingy)

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Music has inspired me in so many ways for many years. It has changed how I look at certain things, changed my beliefs, or just reinforced what I already believed in. It changes my mood, too, because when I'm mad or sad or something, I'll listen to music, and as the songs change mood, so do I. Lyrics, too have changed the way I look at certain things, and topics. There are many Lyrics that reflect little parts of me, and some that define me.

The first Lyric that I think defines me in a way is "It's Either Sadness Or Euphoria". It's from a song called Summer, Highland Falls by Billy Joel. I love this lyric, because I think it means that there are two ways you can look at situations. You can look at it as a benefit, and find the bright side of things, or you can see it as an awful thing, and look at the worst of it. It's kind of like saying that you can be a Pessimist or Optimist about things, or the glass is either half full or half empty. It defines me, because I try to find the bright side of things. If I didn't, then life wouldn't be nearly as good for me. Lastly, I hope I always choose Euphoria over Sadness.

The next lyric is two that mean basically the same thing. The first one is "Reality is a Lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there" from The Real World by Owl City. The second one is "They say it all breaks down to keeping your feet on the ground, but my soul intention is keeping my head in the clouds" from Closure by Asking Alexandria. They mean to me that if you never have dreams, then you won't be successful. The second one in particular means that the world wants to stop people from absurd dreams, but we all have to dream, or we'll go nowhere with our lives. I love this, because I've always had big dreams of all kinds of things from meeting my favorite bands to making music and calaborating with them.

Another lyric that I love is "Hold fast till the break of Daylight, where the Shadow Proves the Sunshine" and it's from a song called The Shadow Proves the Sunshine by Switchfoot. This lyric to me means that something good can always come out of a situation, no matter how bad it seems at the time. It also means that you may not see the good right away, but we have to wait to see what it will do in our lives. This applies to my life, because now when I look back at the things in my life, I see the good it's caused. Like when my parents got divorced, it seemed like the worst thing ever, but if they were still married, I would have never moved back to Delaware.

The last lyric I purposely put last, because it means the most to me. The lyric is "If I had a chance for another try, I wouldn't change a thing, it made me all that I am today". It's from Rite of Spring by Angels and Airwaves. To me, it means that I try not to regret anything that I've done, and view it as more of a lesson, so I know not to do that thing again. It also means that everything I've gone through, and everything I've learned has shaped who I am now. The last thing about this lyric is that it's saying that if I could be anyone else, I wouldn't want to be, because I love who I am without having to change anything.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2012 ⏰

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