Draft 1

11 2 1

Well I'm in trouble, again. Like really big trouble that involves urgent phone calls to your parents,  whispered conversations in the main office, and side wards glares from staff members. I'd have to say I reset my own record of getting called to the principal's office.
I sat on a red fabric chair painting my nails a hue of violet, directly infront of the large polished mahogany desk the wrenched Ms. Thornburn sat her throne.
Sometimes... No, no wait, all the time I'm least doubtful that Dreadwigg Institute of Academic Studies is more of a high security correctional facility than a school.
But hey don't all schools seem that way.

Ms. Thornburn is rubbish as a Headmistress - with her charm, compassion and world vision she could be running Hayword Scrubs.
She's always rambling on about the foundation and nature of society will wither away if you're not perfectly fitted in school uniform and do well in both the class room and on the sports field, be fond of charity and believe in chastity till marriage.
Is she crazy? She's probably still a virgin herself then, since she is quite very single i must add... and hideous ...urgh!
Ms. Thornburn has a knack for rules. She's crazy about them, and I'm not. So you can already see the perfect principal student relationship us two share.

I blew at my fingertips, trying to dry the polish while Miss Figgs, the principals assistant, (although really she's just is the school's secretary but she insists on being called the PA), walks in piled with folders and office secretay things, looking nervous and ruffled. She drops it on the desk infront of me and begins to shuffle through all sorts of files then answers the phone and gives me nasty looks upturning her lips and rolling her eyes.

'Skye,' she says stifled, 'I can't get a hold of your aunt. Her office says she's in a conference meeting and can't be bothered. I've told them its urgent, but they don't seem interested...'

'Thats too bad,' I say with sarcasm in every tone of my voice, before sticking my feet up on the desk just to see her reaction. She doesn't say anything, but she had a disturbed look on her face. I think it's my ...

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