Magcon Madness :)

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Hey guys! I'm new to this so please be respectful! thanks guys ily 💕

Annie's POV

"WAKE UP ANN IT IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!" he screamed into my face.

I groaned. Cam stayed the night a lot. We are really close 'friends'. I was in a fairly good mood because I had just woke up to him, AKA sexiest guy ever. His perfect brown hair. His jaw. His teeth. His.. choice of girls.. he would never want to go out with someone like me. He has dated girls with long Barbie blonde hair and perfect bodies. Well I'm not worried about it, I have kept my love for him a secret for over 3 years. Why not go for another year?

"You know Cam, we have final exams today. So i'm not sure why you are so giddy to go.." i told him.

Cams POV

God she is beautiful. Her long brown hair and deep green eyes just get me. She will never like me like that.
"You look beautiful." I told her and she blushed. She had on a white tank top with lace around her shoulders and she wore maroon skinny jeans and white vans. She is truly beautiful I thought to myself.

Annie's POV
"hey Cam which necklace should i wear?" I held up two different necklaces and he picked the one that i was leaning towards.
"Is everything all set for tonight?" Cam asked
"Yeah. My mom probably won't be home till' August." I joked.
"Hey now, that isn't funny. You shouldn't be here alone like you always are." I thought about this. Why was Cam so worried? I mean I know he cares about me but I never would've thought that he would be worried about me being alone in my own home.. oh well.
"I am totally fine here by myself. Besides, you're always here anyway!" I tried to assure him that it was ok for me to be alone but it truly wasn't. My father passed away 3 years ago. My mom wen in to a weird depressed/selfish stage and she just basically stopped caring. I get sad every now and then but Cam is always here for me.

Cams POV
"hey we should probably get going, don't want to be late on the last day!" She giggled. She is so cute.

"Ann, can I ask you something?" I said to her. "you just did" she said and shot out a smile. "no I mean something..serious" I say and I start to get closer. "umm yeah? is everything alright?" she asks me looking concerned. "yeah everything's fine but I just wanted to know... what I should wear to the party tonight?" I ask.. I couldn't ask her the serious question yet. I'm not ready. What if she says no? What if It ruins our entire friendship? I can't do that. maybe tonight I'll ask, but right now, I'm gonna focus on tonight. Her mom is out of town like usual off with some guy at a ski resort. Annie and I decided to throw a party since it's the last day of school. "Cam?" I hear. I snap out of my thoughts and realize that I was staring at her, completely zoned out. I feel so stupid. "huh? oh yeah I'm fine I just was daydreaming a little" I say which wasn't a lie. "okay well I'm probably gonna wear my red dress, the one that is like really tight and short? oh wow that sounded really slutty" she confessed "oh yeah I know what you're talking about, you would look great in that!" I say trying not to sound too flirty. "you're the best cam!" she says while pulling me into a hug. we both exit the car and head to first period since we both had our chemistry exam in this class.

Annie's POV
After exams ended we both headed to Cams car. I know he had a different question to ask me in his car this morning. I just shook it off . "Alright cam we have 6 hours until people start to come, we should go see a movie because I really want to see the new purge!" I say "Okay. let's go right now and then we will head back to your house to start getting things set up" Cam replies. We get in the car and Cameron just looks at me. The next thing that happened blew me away.

Cams POV
When we got into the car, I couldn't help myself. I just looked at her and couldn't resist. Our lips connected and she was tense at first, then she started to kiss back. I could feel her smile through my lips and so I broke away She looked at me like she never has before. She started to laugh then reached across me and grabbed me hand. I started to drive and I could feel her eyes on me the whole way there.
Annie's POV
Cam had just kissed me.. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of that. I've been wanting his lips for so long. "we're here!" I hear cam say. "I'm so excited to see this movie!" i tell him. We go inside to get our tickets but of course it was sold out. "Hey let's just go back to your house and watch something on Netflix!" Cam states trying to fix the situation "ugh fine" I say with sass towards the stupid place who sold out the tickets.

Cams POV
We go back to Annie's house and it's already 4 which means we have 5 hours to get things set up and ready for people's arrival. We decide to hang up black lights all over the house, since it is a neon dance party. We cover the tables and counters with table cloths. We put the cups on the counter and fill the fridge with beer and several other liquors that i got with my fake license. We set chairs up around the pool outback and had bowls of chips ready. After all that, we moved onto the game room. We set up 3 different tables to play beer pong at, and my moved the mini fridge out of the basement and into the game room so that they could refill the cups if they needed to. I looked at the time and it was already 8 and people were gonna be coming around 9 so Annie went up to take a shower and get ready. I went into the downstairs bathroom and began to shower and get ready as well.


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