
15 1 1

After she gathered her things, y/n threw her backpack over her shoulder. She looked down at her new schedule as she made her way to the door. Y/n couldn't believe that the counselor messed up her classes again, and that her schedule was changed again between semesters. She was about to step over the door sill when she noticed out of the corner of her eye, a loose leaf piece of paper on the ground. She gently picked it up and flipped it over. On it was the most beautiful drawing she had ever seen. It was a picture of a girl ice skating and staring at a Christmas tree. She scanned the page looking for a name to see who it belonged to. All she saw was a scribbled signature which she thought said "lucky jade".
Since she had very little time, y/n gingerly folded the sketch into her pocket and headed to her next class.

The drawing and the pseudonym clouded her thoughts. She doubted that anyone would draw a picture of her, but nonetheless, she still couldn't shake the feeling that it was her. Maybe she could ask Harry if he knew anything about it.

The school day seemed to drag on as y/n waited to go on her coffee date with Harry. She was so excited to see him again, and to do some digging to see if he knew anything about the drawing.

When school was over, y/n entered the cafe and was immediately surrounded by various students, businessmen, and hipsters. She picked out a table in the corner and texted Harry saying she was there. She set her phone down and she began taking out her supplies. She was extremely anxious to see him and y/n found herself continuously rearranging everything on the table, needing something to do with her hands.

After about six minutes, (not that she was counting), y/n heard the door jingle. She glanced up and her heart stopped. Harry had walked in and he had changed out of his dark green flannel that he worn at school that day for a dark gray sweater. He had a nervous looked on his face as he scanned the coffee shop for y/n. He looked slightly panicked when he didn't see her at first, and y/n thought he looked adorable. She lifted her arm and waved, signaling where she was. A look of relief washed over his face and smile grew he approached her. Y/n felt her face blush as she saw his huge dimples.

"Hey, sorry I'm late I was late, I lost something and I was tearing up my whole house looking for it." He said, his face clouding.

Y/n's curiosity was piqued and she decided to question him about it.

"Oh what did you lose? I can keep an eye out for it at school."

"Uh... umm, it's nothing. Don't worry about it." Harry stumbled, seeming flustered as his face reddened. "Thanks though." He added quickly.

"Are you sure?" She asked, wanting to make sure that he knew that she'd help him with anything that he needed. He nodded, looking down at the table and avoiding eye contact.
"How is your boyfriend? Did he ask you to the winter dance?" he asked shyly.
"My... boyfriend?" She spoke, completely puzzled. She didn't have a boyfriend.
"The guy that you were with at the ice skating rink," He tilted his head, as if he were a confused puppy.
"Oh, my gosh, no way. Noah and I are just friends, nothing more." She cringed. Harry's eyes lit up, and he glanced back at her.
"Good." He grinned.
Y/n couldn't help but whip her head over at him when he said that. Their eyes connected and then y/n quickly began to flip through the notes.
"So my idea for the project was to do a model..." she began starting to work on the real reason they were here. For the whole rest of the afternoon, even though it didn't come up again, both Harry and y/n were thinking about their conversation and got butterflies.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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