Authors Note & Sneak Peek

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Ok so--my story got deleted on accident or some fluke of the computer but here i am again, holy balls you guys round 3 of the story between Rose and Sans the skeleton. This is a place holder of course but i will follow the lead of Haunted!Tale and give you a little blurp to read while you wait. So pleae enjoy the Sneak Peek below: 

Sans the freak of nature; Sans the one red eye, one blue eyed skeleton; Sans the black souled reject; and let's not forget the shark dentures. Those were only a handful of the personal insults he launched at himself on a daily basis. He wondered most days when he drug his bony ass out of bed how did he get here and what the hell happened?

He was moody—even with his magic leveling out—he was in a constant funk because he had almost killed Rose—when Tenebris that shadow tag reject had screwed him up—Rose had killed the further growth of the black soul from absorbing the rest of him...the other him—the one he called Rot some weird sort of way to separate him from it—was still there...the widened bars as he mentioned when he thought he was free from this nightmare was true—he had moments of weakness...when Rot poked his head out and looked around.

Again he wasn't telling anyone what was going on Rose and his brother Papyrus were trying to get back on track with their lives. Though the incident with Tenebris and the old underground were known by several people—Sans Friends and even the king...So Sans responded to the kind words and the "it will get better's" spouted off by the masses with diving into his work. He started training more often with Undyne and he avoided Rots trigger—Rose.    

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