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The cold water from the lake had risen up her body, covering her skin as she stepped farther, deeper into the shimmering water that cast back the reflection of the moon. It came up to her knees, her waist, her torso, her shoulders… All the while she stared at the space where I suppose the middle of the lake would be. The woman’s blonde hair floated in the water, fanned out around her head like a mane. The water covered every part of her exposed, naked body, and now she stopped. Her green eyes just above the surface, but they weren’t green now. They were white and had begun to glow, no, shine in the dark of the night. My blood froze, as if the freezing night air of the forest had gotten inside my body. She was now looking at me. Those eyes, that glance, burned a hole to the back of my skull. She opened her mouth wide, she moved again, much faster. But she wasn’t walking. It was as if she was floating, or gliding is a better word, towards me at top speed, not moving down into the water or up out of it until she reached me. And when she did, she rose straight out of the water, then she flew the two yards through the crisp air over the shore and at the edge of the forest to where I stood.

“Mortal….” she croaked, mouth in an “O” shape and lips unmoving. The voice was not that of a woman’s, but a demon’s. I was glued to the spot, unable to move or breath.

“I need you. I’m glad you’re here.” a wave of calm washed over me, sedated by her power, I was aloud to speak again. Moving, however, was not an option. It’s not that the deranged, broken sound that I assumed was this creature’s voice soothed me, but something had.

“I don’t want to be here” I told her. Expecting some angry response my body tensed up. But no. She cocked her head to the side and her face became normal again, no glowing eyes, no gaping mouth.

“That’s not what you were thinking when you were watching me from the shore here. You were just staring at my body, thinking the stereotypical thoughts of men.” she smiled, her voice no longer demonic. And she was mostly true. But I had been there against my will and I was also thinking of my family at home. My wife, my two kids. I had a feeling I wouldn’t see them again. Her hands were small and pale with a slightly blue hue, which is exactly how I could describe the rest of her body. Those hands came at me and tore my shirt open. She pulled out a dagger, which seemed to come out of thin air.

“You see,” she said, playing with the dagger in her fingers. “It’s not easy to come across something like me. I’m a freak of nature. Nymphs? No, those aren’t freaks, but I am because I am nymph, human, and demon. Do you know what that means?” the dagger was still being twirled around and around between her two fingers.

“No. why are you telling me this? Please just let me go, kill me, or stop toying with me.” I replied angrily, my face was hot with rage.

“Ooh! Feisty one.” she landed on the ground and circled around me. “I’ll tell you what. You help me open this portal so I can see my sister and I’ll let you live in unbearable torture in Purgatory for the rest of eternity. Deal?” she laughed and without thinking I answered.

“That sounds like a great idea miss!” My mouth was flopping open and closed not even matching my words or sounding like me, but more like a young boy.

She busted out laughing at the confused look that played on my face.

          “That was an inside joke with one of these guys I was messing with. It was like he was my puppet! Which technically he was, but it was really fun screwing with him, you know?” I was scared. She could literally do anything to me. And going off the fact that she knew what I was thinking earlier, and that I could feel her wracking my brain, she could get to my family.

“Oh I can. But I'm having just enough fun here. Besides, I need to get to my ‘sister’ pretty quickly.” When she said the word “sister” she had done the finger quotations in the air. I'm guessing that either she didn't think of this sister as actual family or this wasn't actually her sister in some way, just called a sister. She didn't answer my thoughts this time.

         She put the dagger to my neck The gleam of the blade made me think that it was smiling at me, mocking the fact that I was going to die.


The intro does NOT include Eve OR Everest. Update will happen in a few days. (Is this intro long enough? Let me know in the comments!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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