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Clint groaned as he fell onto his beat up couch, he could hear Lucky pad over, nudging at his hand and the archer scratched behind the dogs ears.
"Good boy." He mumbled and then was forcing himself up, moving over to feed the dog despite his body screaming in protest.
Once the dog was cared for Clint forced himself to the bathroom. Turning the shower on so he could at least clean his wounds and let his muscles relax a bit.
The silence of the world was welcome for the time being, helped to block everything out.
So when he was stepping out of the shower, reaching for a towel and spotting a dark haired man clad in black sitting on his counter he let out a short scream which resulted in Bucky assface Barnes smirking at him.
"What the hell?!" Clint grabbed a towel to dry his hair and ears before wrapping it around his waist and pressed his hearing aids in.
"What the actual hell Barnes?" His cheeks were only slightly pink.
"Let me patch you up." The solider stood up and pointed to the counter to indicate Clint should sit.
"You can't just break into my apartment! Or into my bathroom!" Clint begrudgingly sat as instructed.
"Why-?" He started as Bucky grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink.
"Tasha got back. Assumed you'd be here." Bucky shrugged as if that explained why Bucky had came to Clints place and attempted to give him a heart attack, not to mention it was three in the morning! Was Bucky up waiting for them to return?? What the hell??
"You're weird." And that got one of Buckys rare chuckles that made Clints days a bit brighter.
Bucky worked silently and patched him up and Clint tried to ignore the fact he was in only a towel.
"Thank you."Clint got the feeling the solider and he were friends, despite the lack of actual talking they had.
Clint often patched Bucky up when Bucky would try and wave it off and claim he was fine. And Bucky had started joining Clint on the rooftop when Clint was at the tower and both were unable to sleep, the silence not uncomfortable but usually calming, like he wasn't as alone as he thought.

"You're welcome." The low voice pulled Clint from his thoughts and gave Bucky a bright smile.

"You staying then, we can watch whatever's on at four in the morning?" Clint hopped down and winced slightly, trying not to laugh at the look of surprise that flickered over Buckys face.

"I don't-"

"Of course you'll stay. I have a dog." And with that Clint was hooking his arm through the soldiers and hauling him out to the living room whistling for Lucky.
Yup. He was gonna properly become this guys friend.

Clint flicked the tv on before handing the remote over to Bucky as he sat on one end of the couch and smiled when Lucky jumped up and laid his head on Clints lap.
Bucky frowned but sat down and scrolled through some channels before they ended up on old tv reruns.

Clint was asleep in about ten minutes, hardly stirring when Bucky lifted him up and set him in a bed, pulling some blankets over him.

Operation befriend Bucky Barnes, or B^3 as Clint decided to refer to it was on hold, on the grounds of he didn't feel like going back to the tower, cause then he'd have to do a mission report and Steve would probably harp on him about being reckless.. Just cause he nearly toppled a subway tunnel onto himself..

So all in all it was about a week before Clint saw him again, because he was out of groceries and didn't feel like going shopping so he went to raid Starks well stocked kitchen.
Once he had a bundle of snacks after eating an apple and chatting with Tony, he set off to the common room and dropped the munchies to the couch and then set off, with the help of Jarvis, to find his friend.
The man appeared to be trying his best to destroy a punching bag, and Clint had paused to take in the sight of a well muscles man in baggy grey sweatpants and a tight muscle shirt with red finger wraps. His hair was tied back and sweat was gathering along his brow and down his back and Clint nearly shivered.
"Hey, come watch Die hard with me." Cause it was an amazing movie and he doubted Bucky had seen it yet.
"What?" Bucky stilled the bag and turned to look at Clint.
"It's a movie, come watch a movie. I got us snacks." He shrugged easily and shoved his hands into his pockets.
Bucky starred at the archer for several seconds before he began to hesitantly unwrap the fabric around his knuckles.
"You can shower and stuff first if you'd like.." Clint really wasn't sure if this actually had been a good idea.
Bucky nodded and with that was heading to the showers and Clint couldn't help but to smirk at that ass..
He also wasn't sure if he should wait here for Bucky or not..
He decided against it as that seemed overly stalker and so he headed off,trusting Bucky to find him..
Speaking of which..how did Bucky know where he lived in the first place?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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