(Your POV)
so...she's moving heh I'mma miss her wait maybe I can convice SS chara to move to THERE!(My POV)
okay the kids stuff is packed my stuff is packed he packed his stuff with magic so we went to their house and our neighbors are....MY SISTER AND S SWAP CHARA YAY!(so shift Chara's POV)
I'm loving having a family asrika took their bad dad's jacket off and put on mine how adorable wait "where's flake"I asked Kara"at my sister's house with s swap Chara their doing puzzles outside"she replied.(your POV)
my husband and flake are so cute together I giggled"hey hon help me make pancakes!"I said"okay come human you shall watch mettaton from...UT oh well"he said.(Flake's POV)
I was with Uncle and Antie they were REALLY nice then 12:00 came it was my bedtime I walked in to Mommy and daddy's house I knocked and went inside"Mommy Daddy?"I said"flake your back I was worried sick!"daddy said he walked me up and put me in their bed and we fell asleep.