Glances (2)

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Chocolate brown eyes bore into her soul.

"What do you want from me?"

He gingerly wrapped his hand around her neck.

Tears ran down her flushed cheeks.

His breath ghosted her lips.

"I want you."


"Well, well. What do we have here ladies? If it's not the great and honorable Lara Edwards." Sarcasm and hatred dripped from every word she spoke. The slim lips of Pansy Parkinson, a petty girl with her nose up everyone's arse, spread into a smirk. She stood there with her slender arms crossed her noticeably flat chest. The raven hair that sprouted from her head stopped at her jawline. Her pointed nose scrunched up as she poked fun at me, giving a goblin look to her. Her beady black eyes held my gaze for a moment before I tore it from her scraggly body to notice a few of the other girls from our year stood with her. Evangeline Quill and Hope Cray. I, eventually, just rolled my eyes and brushed past them to go up the stairs to the girl's dorms.

"She's got nothing to say. That's a surprise for once." She cackled, only edging my anger more. I decided I wouldn't give her the satisfaction, but I should've known that would've gotten under her skin. Pansy grabbed my arm and dug her nails into my skin. I hissed lightly as my eyes met hers, almost wishing for her to continue, before tensions were raised any higher Felicity came up and knocked Pansy's hand off me.

"Shove off Pansy, you're half goblin and everybody knows it." She spoke for me. Pansy and her posse let out a collective gasp. Felicity whisked me away and up the stairs we went, giggling all the while. We eventually picked a room that had only a few girls in it. In the middle of every room was a large boiler to keep us warm with six beds that circled the room headboards against the walls. The comforters were emerald green and speckled with silver, just like our house colors. Whilst glancing around the room I noticed one of the beds was next to a small window and noticed my truck at the end of the bed. Thalia passed by the door way and I waved her over.

"Hey Lia! Come bunk with us." She visibly let out a sign of relief.

"Bloody hell! I can hardly breathe without a group of first years asking me questions." Felicity groaned as she face-planted onto the bed off to my left, and thankfully Thalia chose the bed off to my right. Eventually the rest of the beds were filled with other girls from different years.

"Now now you can't tell me you don't remember how we were. Give them time." I let out a giggle whilst popping open my trunk. My hand reaching for my nightgown a certain memory popped into mind and I was suddenly aware of my shallow breaths. My eyes closed as I took a deep inhale to calm my racing heartbeat. Felicity came to my aid and placed a her hand on my shoulder.

"You alright?" She asked softly.

"Yeah." I smiled at her as I slipped out of my robes and into the nightgown. "Thanks by the way, for telling off Pansy for me. If I had started I don't know if I could've stopped."

"That's what best friends are for. Besides everything I said was true." A bubble of laughter escaped my lips as I crawled under the blankets.

"Goodnight." I called out into the barely lit room.

"Goodnight." They replied before I slipped into the safety of sleep.


I awoke to a quiet tapping against the window pane. My eyes refused to meet the suns horrid glare. I tugged the blanket over my eyes, yet the tapping of a bird's beak against the pane increased in volume. A loud groan escaped my lips as I slipped out of the warm and comfortable bed to face the cold of the concrete dungeon floor. Quickly, I gathered my toiletries so I might be the first to the showers this early morning. My feet tiptoed as quietly as possible until I reached the toilets. I let the hot water burned slightly against my back. Wincing for a moment then a smile still sprung to my face. This is what I had been looking for all summer; freedom.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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