Chapter 1... First Day Back

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You opened the school's double doors. Everyone looked at you. The pack (which consisted of 12 guys one of them being Kris the alpha and your mate) Stepped in behind. You smiled at everyone as you passed them by. They didn't know you were a werewolf but I'm sure they could sense your strength and power. Kris came and put his arm around you. You smiled and kissed him slipping a bit of tongue in there. You heard a low growl in his chest. You laughed and pulled back. "How are you (y/n)?" he asked.
"Good. Missed you last night."
"Well when duty calls I have to answer."
"I know, I know. But I felt so cold."
"You? Cold? You warm me up every night. How can you be cold." You laughed.
"Did the patrol go well?"
"Yeah. Everything is fine. Hopefully nothing else goes wrong. I'd like to live in peace."
"You and me both. I'm sure the guys would also agree." you looked over Kris's shoulder at them. They nodded and agreed with smiles. "We fought a war and no one here even knows." he said. "Yeah. It's fine though. I think since nothing is happening we can finally focus on being happy and getting better grades." You sighed.
"I told you to study with me." Jongdae said as he slipped by. He turned around and walked backwards. "I actually got good grades for once."
"Only because I helped you." Minseok said from behind you. "If it wasn't for me you would have failed again."
"My grades were decent." You mumbled. Chanyeol laughed "Your grades were on the thin line between barely okay and bad. One more test and you would've failed."
"Ugh I passed that's all that matters. Why don't we talk about Baek's grades."
"Hey! Don't bring me into this! My grades were better then ever."
"Hmm fine, fine. Kyungsoo?"
"My grades were great like always."
"Instead of focusing on everyone else's grades, focus on your own." Junmyeon said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes. The bell rang. "I'm not about to be late for class!" Jongdae yelled before taking off running. A few of the others followed close behind.

To be continued...

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