My crush(6)

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At the police station...

I ran as fast as my legs could bring me and ran towards the police station to report the case of Amanda being kidnapped. I panicked and looked around every single part of the station and quickly ran towards a desk. Sitting at the desk was a male officer and when I look closely at him it was my friend Fauzi we recognised each other but just before he tried to talk I interrupted his speech.

I quickly told him the situation about Amanda and he told me that he will send a group of police officers to the nearby area where she was caught and also the enclosed areas to monitor and see if she was there.

Suddenly I received an unknown call which has no caller ID do I decided to tell my friend and he told me to answer it as it might be the kidnapper. I followed his instructions and answers it. To my surprise it really was the kidnapper! I panicked and asked him where Amanda was and is told him not to hurt her. He said to give him $50000 in order for him to realize Amanda and I told him on but I can only get it by tomorrow. He said ok and he told me that the location will be revealed tomorrow and no police should be involved...

To be continued...

Hey guys! I'm currently not very free to update the book as I have exams coming up and I can't walk so I'm trying to study and recover. Thx for reading!

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