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Please read all the rules. Thank you.


1. Follow this account
If you unfollow this account, you'll be disqualified. Sorry not sorry.

2. Add this to your public reading list
So that this gets more known and you get updated.

3. Follow the judges
Unfollowing the judges will also result in your disqualification. Please respect them and don't try to force them to vote for your book

4. Tag people who might want to join
You can do it on your forums,but if you want to tag here first you can.

5. Kpop related books only
Nothing more, nothing less. Every fandom is included.

6. Add the tag #Platinumkpopfanfictionaward to your book.
So that I find it quicker and its easier to look at

7. No backing out once you join
Please... Just don't do that. It's a waste of my and the judge's time

Not only is it a crime, it's cheating. I won't allow cheaters in this competition.

9. Be patient.
This will most likely span until new years eve so please don't rush me or the judges. These people have lives and so do I. Don't be rude because that could lessen your chances with the judges.

1. Follow this account.
Same as the participants.

2. Add this to your public reading list
So that more people know about it and you get updates

3. Please be fair
Don't allow someone to win because they're your friend or because you follow them.

4. Please don't follow participants until the contest is over
This may seem stupid but I have my reasons

5. Don't take on more than you can handle
If have to many books to judge let me know and I'll give them to another judge or do it myself.

6. Don't bail
Please don't quit on me

7. Be active
I'll ask for updates a lot

I hope the rules didn't make you want to back out of the contest because I'd really love to read your books

Platinum Kpop Fanfiction Awards 2017Where stories live. Discover now